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1995-1996 Issue outlines © by Jo McInerney
The issue outlines below may be used as an educational or general research resource. At all times, the author must be acknowledged.
Should the Easton Royal Commission have been set up?
Is gambling creating major problems in Victoria?
Are there sufficient controls on Australian journalists?
Does the law deal appropriately with young offenders?
Are Australian child care provisions adequate?
The O.J. Simpson trial and the American jury system.
Should police conduct high speed car chases?
Northern Territory heroin addicts and methadone programs.
Should abortion be legally available?
Should Ned Kelly be regarded as an Australian national hero?
Should the Governor-General have dismissed the Whitlam government in 1975?
The Azaria Chamberlain case: were the Chamberlains treated appropriately by the Northern Territory legal system?
Should pit bull terriers be eliminated from Australia?
Are the lyrics of some popular songs, such as those of the Australian grunge band, silverchair, likely to provoke violence?
Should wheel-clamping by private firms be banned in Victoria?
The Samantha Riley affair, drugs in sport, should swimming coach Volkers have been penalised?
Should condom vending machines be allowed in schools?
The Paxton case: should the unemployed be forced to accept job offers?
Should heroin be legalised / decriminalised?
Should an independent body investigate claims of corruptio in the Victoria Police?
Should Australia increase its number of uranium mines?
Should marijuana be decriminalised / legalised?
Should skateboards, bicycles and in-line skates be legally ridden on public walkways?
Should the fashion industry use ultra-thin models?
Should the "abortion pill" RU486 be freely available?
Should immigrants to Australia be required to live in rural or regional areas?
Should those in receipt of unemployment benefits be required to keep a diary of job-seeking activities?
Should cadet corps be formed in Victorian state schools?
Should pornography / explicit sexual material be legally available on the Internet?
Should Victoria's prisons be privatised?
Should AFL clubs merge?