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1996-1997 Issue outlines © by Jo McInerney
The issue outlines below may be used as an educational or general research resource. At all times, the author must be acknowledged.
Should AFL clubs merge?
Should access to legal abortion be made more difficult? -
Should voluntary, active euthanasia / medically assisted suicide,
as legalised in the Northern Territory, continue to be available?
Should Victoria's shops be allowed to trade 24 hours a day, seven days a week
Should judges impose harsher sentences according to current public thinking?
Should those with certain views - such as revisionist historian David Irving - be banned from entering Australia?
How adequate are the Family Law Act and the operations of the Family Court?
Is too much government funding being directed towards Aboriginal Australians?
Should immigration to Australia, particularly Asian immigration, be halted or reduced?
Hanson and Arena: should Parliamentary privilige be restricted
Have Australian governments done sufficient to prevent Aboriginal deaths in custody?
Should Australia become a republic as outlined by Debuty leader Tim Fischer?
Should private development projects be allowed in national parks, including Victoria's Wilsons Promontory?
Should immunisation for children be made compulsory?
Should Australians have to pay for racing yacht rescues?
Capital punishment: should Ronald Ryan and Jean Lee have been hanged?
Work-for-the-dole: should young people receiving unemployment benefits be forced to work?
The Wik decision: is the High Court's ruling that native title and pastoral leases can co-exist tenable?
Is cloning from adult mammals a desirable development?
Should the AFL move from Waverley Park to the new Victoria Stadium to be built at Docklands?
Should state governments derive a significant portion of their revenue from gambling taxes?
Censorship: should the viewing public have access to violent and sexually explicit material?
Food poisoning: Does Australia (and in particular Victoria) have adequate provisions to guard against food contamination?
Should persons below the age of 18 be required to get permission to marry?
Should koalas be culled?
Should corporal punishment (caning, paddling, etc) be allowed in schools?
Is Baz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet suitable for a teenage audience?
Should schools be job agencies?
Should children be allowed in the Anzac Day march?
Are Australia's new gun laws appropriate?
Animal cruelty: should wild animals perform in circuses?
Should Australian bans on silicone breast implants be lifted?