TITLE: The November referendum: Should Australia become a republic?Copyright © Echo Education Services First published in The Echo news digest and newspaper sources index. Issue outline by J M McInerney |
Internet information section.A subsection of this site deals with the 1999 republic referendum. It gives clear, detailed information on the voting procedures to be followed in the referendum. It also outlines what the Constitutional Convention proposed on the republic issue and contrasts this with the relevant aspects of the current constitution. This subsection can be found at http://www.centenary.org.au/voting/index.html The Constitution Centenary Foundation is an organisation created to foster understanding and informed debate on Constitutional reform. It produces a large number of fact sheets on specific sections of the Constitution and on questions about the document. A very useful site dealing with the republic debate has been established by The Australian. It can be found at http://www.theaustralian.com.au/extras/001/repndx.htm This is a rich and wide-ranging site. It has links through to summaries of the views of a number of key participants in the debate, including Tony Abbott, a key monarchist and opponent of a republic. It also provides links to the home pages of The Australian Republican Movement and the Monarchist League. Of particular interest is its link to a series of essays on republicanism compiled by the Senate. The Age also has a good treatment of the Constitutional Convention. The home page for this site is http://www.theage.com.au/republic98/index.html The Age also has a quite comprehensive collection of its articles on the republic and the November referendum in its Issues 99/Special Report section. This can be found at http://www.theage.com.au/special/republic/index.html Another very helpful source is the ABC's Constitutional Convention site. The home page for this site can be found at http://www.abc.net.au/concon/ It includes clear, easily digested information on the Australian Constitution, the republic debate and the Constitutional Convention. An excellent site has been established by S. Souter of Sydney University's Education Faculty. It is titled, The Australian Republic Issue - A Guide It is one of the most comprehensive sites dealing with this topic. A descriptive listing of its links runs for over 20 pages. It includes a great deal of information on the Constitutional Convention but also links through to many other useful sites. It can be found at http://www.edfac.usyd.edu.au/staff/souters/republic.html Also of interest is the web site of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. This details the referendum which is to be put to the Australian electorate in November, 1999. It considers both the republic and the preamble questions which are to be put. It can be found at http://www.dpmc.gov.au/referendum/index.htm The Australian Republican Movement has a very good site. This can be found at http://www.republic.org.au/home.html Though partisan, in that its focus is the views and organisation of the Australian Republican Movement, it has links to much relevant and useful information, including the Australian Constitution and the political party policy statements of the Labor Party, the Liberal Party and the Australian Democrats on the question of an Australian republic. The ACT branch of the Australian Republican Movement has an excellent home page of its own. This can be found at http://www.act.republic.org.au/ncr/index.htm This includes the full texts of a number of pro-republic speeches given during the National Convention of Republicans held in Canberra on February 6-7, 1999 - the anniversary of the 1998 Constitutional Convention. A number of these speeches reward close attention. In particular, the speech of Gatjil Djekurra , Chairman of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, outlines the position of many Aboriginal Australians on the issue. This can be found at http://www.act.republic.org.au/ncr/ad-djerrkura.htm Another worth studying is a speech given by John Uhr, Reader in Public Policy at the Australian National University and author of Deliberative Democracy in Australia (Cambridge University Press 1998). John Uhr's address is a detailed and careful response to the arguments for a directly elected president. It can be found at http://www.act.republic.org.au/ncr/ad-uhr.htm Another interesting but more specialised pro-republic site is that of Women for an Australian Republic http://www.womenrep.dynamite.com.au/ This site gives a number of arguments in favour of a republic, including suggesting that the proposed form of election for a president is one which better serves women. It also has a regularly maintained News Update section. Another more specialised group supporting a republic is Young Australians for a Republic (YAR). YAR is a broad-based alliance of young Australians promoting an Australian Republic with an Australian as Head of State. YAR's home page can be found at http://home.vicnet.net.au/~yesyouth/ The articles section of this site includes articles, press releases and letters to the editor all supporting a republic. The opposing point of view is put by Australians for Constitutional Monarchy - No Republic (ACM) The official ACM home page can be found at http://www.norepublic.com.au/ In its outline of the referendum it gives a general argument against the desirability of constitutional change. On another section of its site it gives a detailed criticism of the republican proposal. The Australian Monarchist League is another group opposing an Australian republic. The League's home page can be found at http://www.monarchist.org.au/ In addition to arguments against the republic, the site includes detailed information on the 1984 Referendum Act. Another anti-republic site is Australian Republic Unplugged. The site's home page can be found at http://www.statusquo.org/index_frame.html This is an interesting and easily negotiated site which gives a lot of anti-republic information. In particular it has a detailed criticism of Paul Keating's original pro-republic argument. This can be accessed by clicking the Republic Issue button in the left-hand frame of the home page. Also of interest is the Real Republic home page. The title Real Republic, was first used by Tim Costello and Moira Rayner during their candidacy for the Constitutional Convention. The title has since been taken over by Phil Cleary, Ted Mack and Clem Jones as part of their opposition to the current republic proposal and their call for a directly elected president. The site is said to have been set up on behalf of Clem Jones, Ted Mack and Phil Cleary . At the moment it contains an edited copy of Peter Reith's (Federal Minister for Workplace Relations) recent speech supporting a directly elected president and urging a no vote at the referendum. This makes interesting reading. It can be found at http://realrepublic.homepage.com/ |