The Age has a special reports sub section of its site which deals with the Victorian gas crisis. Their gas crisis sub site gives access to most of the items published in The Age that have dealt with the gas crisis. These are listed separately for each day since the explosion at Longford occurred. The site can be found at VENcorp has a home page which can be found at This gives information about the functions and responsibilities of VENcorp. The Public Health and Development Division, Department of Human Services, Victoria, has a copy of the state's disaster plan. The introduction can be accessed at From this page a copy of the plan itself can be accessed. The plan was revised in 1997. It is interesting to note that the plan does not anticipate the type of disaster represented by the gas crisis. The management plan deals with the public health consequences of fires, floods, hazardous material accidents, food borne infections and large crowd incidents. The Victorian WorkCover Authority also has an Internet site. A subsection of this site deals with the role and responsibilities of WorkCover inspectors. This can be found at Look in particular at the response to the question Why are inspections carried out? This refers, in part, to the targets that are set for the inspection of particular work sites. |