On December 7, 1998, the Victorian State Government announced that it had given the Grocon group approval to erect what is planned to be the world's tallest building as part of Melbourne's new Dockland's development. The announcement sparked immediate debate in the media and elsewhere. The prospect of Melbourne erecting such a building had been discussed over previous months but once it was revealed that what is commonly referred to as the Grollo Tower had been given the go ahead there was far stronger interest. |
Features of the Grollo Tower and the Batman Hill development The tower has been designed by Denton Corker Marshall. It will be approximately 560 metres tall with 113 storeys. The building is to accommodate 450 residential apartments, restaurants, retail offices and a hotel. It will have two observation decks. The surrounding precinct is to include a sports, entertainment, retail and hotel complex next to the Docklands Stadium. It is also intended that an historic goods shed, already on the site, will become an international food and festivity hall. Also included in the precinct development is to be a 20,000 square metre international multi-media and communications centre. There are a number of Internet sites supplying information on the Grollo Tower and Melbourne's Docklands development. The Age, in the special features/issues section of its Internet site, gives access to a variety of articles dealing with aspects of the Grollo Tower. At the time of writing this outline, there were 19 items in all, dating from October 4, 1997, to December 16, 1998. These make interesting reading. There is a useful mix of news reports, comment and analysis and a range of views on the proposed tower is presented. The index to these items can be found at http://www.theage.com.au/special/grollo/index.html The Victorian Government has also set up a number of informative sites dealing with major developments in Melbourne. The Victorian Government's Office of Major Projects has a sub-section of its site giving information on the Docklands development. This sub-section of the site can be found at http://www.docklands.vic.gov.au/index5.html It supplies, among other things, an interesting historical overview of the Docklands site. It also gives information on the developments planned for each of the seven Docklands' precincts, including Batman Hill, the site of the proposed Grollo Tower. The Victorian Government's Agenda 21 Quarterly is available on the Internet. This is a public affairs publication dealing with the Government's plans to create new public assets and infrastructure, especially as these plans affect Melbourne. Edition 11 of Agenda 21 Quarterly dealt with the Docklands development. It can be found at http://www.doi.vic.gov.au/projects/a21q/edition11/seven.html There are a number of Internet sites given over to extremely tall buildings and those which under a variety of criteria claim to be `the world's tallest'. One of the more interesting is produced by Mr Jeff Herzer. Mr Herzer makes no secret of his enthusiasm for very tall skyscrapers, however, his page accepts letters about these buildings from those with a wide range of view points. There are a number of letters dealing with the Grollo Tower, and the site as a whole is a useful source of opinion on the very tall building phenomenon. Mr Herzer comments on many letters and supplies answers to questions posed where he can. The page can be found at http://www.dcircle.com/wtb/44.html |