There are a number of Internet sites with information relevant to this issue. A good place to start is with the Australian Red Cross home page. This can be found at http://www.redcross.org.au/ The subsection of this site dealing with blood services can be found at http://www.arcbs.redcross.org.au/ This subsection includes a list of the questions asked of potential donors to gauge if they are likely to have HIV and other infections. These questions can be found at http://www.arcbs.redcross.org.au/donating.htm The subsection also includes a history of blood transfusion which can be found at http://www.arcbs.redcross.org.au/history.htm The Australian Medical Journal(AMJ) on line has published a number of articles dealing with testing Australia's blood supply. Two are detailed here. They are each informative and interesting, but will require careful reading as they are quite technical. In 1998 the AMJ on line published an article titled Should we be screening blood donors for hepatitis G virus? The case against screening It was written by Ping-Yee Wong, Patrick J Coghlan and Peter W Angus It is of interest because it indicates some of the factors that influence decisions as to whether to apply a particular test to Australia's blood supply. The recommendation here that the test not be applied appeared to be based primarily on the fact that the virus does not seem to produce a disease state in those infected with it. The article discusses factors such as the cost of testing and whether hospitals and blood banks were likely to be successfully sued by transfusion recipients infected with the hepatitis G virus. The article can be found at http://www.mja.com.au/public/issues/oct5/wong/wong.html In 1997 the AMJ on line published an article titled Is screening of Australian blood donors for HTLV-I necessary? It was written by Gordon S Whyte HTLV-I is human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I. It has been associated with T-cell leukaemia and with T-cell lymphoma. The prevalence of HTLV-I in Australian donors is said to be 1 in 100 000 and the calculated risk of a transfused patient developing HTLV-I disease is said to be 1 in 9 to 15 million. The article makes no clear recommendation as to whether testing for HTLV-I in blood donors should continue, instead it suggests three possible future courses of action. One of these is to discontinue testing. It includes the judgement, 'Stakeholders (Australian Red Cross Blood Service, State and Federal governments and the community) would be assisted by public discussion of an acceptable level of risk and appropriate level of screening for rare transfusion-transmitted diseases.' This is interesting because it suggests that the public may need to accept that some level of risk should actually be allowed for in blood transfusions. The article can be found at http://www.mja.com.au/public/issues/may5/whyte/whyte.html HIVInSite is an extensive public information site developed by the University of California, the AIDS Program at the San Francisco Hospital and the UCSF Centre for AIDS Prevention Study and AIDS Research Institute. HIVInSite has a subsite titled Transmission of HIV by Blood, Blood Products, Tissue Transplantation, and Artificial Insemination The subsite can be found at http://hivinsite.ucsf.edu/akb/1997/01txbld/index.html This subsite is detailed and quite technical but supplies a wealth of information about the tests currently being used to detect HIV in United States blood donors. It also looks at another, more sensitive test, which is being developed and may be used at a later date. The subsite offers the interesting estimate that the change from testing for HIV antibodies to testing for the HIV antigen is likely to have detected an additional 5 to 10 infected donations per year out of the 12 million donations made annually in the United States. Florida Blood Services, which allow directed donations, have a section of their site dealing with the procedures that are followed. This can be found at http://www.fbsblood.org/directed.asp Florida Blood Services also appear to encourage autologous blood transfusions, in which patients receive blood they have previously donated specifically for their own use. The Services' information on autologous blood transfusions can be found at http://www.fbsblood.org/auto.asp |