There are a very large number of Internet sites which deal with Australia's new Internet regulations. The vast majority of these are highly critical of the new laws. Probably the best place to start for a brief summary of the new regulations and a favourable account of the rationale behind them is with a press release from the Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, Senator Richard Alston. Senator Alston was the minister who introduced the new legislation into Parliament on behalf of the Government. The press release stresses the Government's 'responsibility to protect the nation's children'. It also lists in point form the main elements of the new regulations. The press release titled, Legislation introduced to protect children online, has been reproduced on the AVS Network Web hosting site and can be found at http://avs.net.au/legis/media2.html A much fuller account of the provisions of the new laws can be found in the Second Reading Speech given when the Broadcasting Services Amendment (Online Services) Bill 1999 was put before Parliament a second time. This nine page speech explains in detail the elements of the new regulations and how they are expected to operate. The speech can be found on the Department of Communications, Information Technology and The Arts site at http://www.dcita.gov.au/nsapi-text/?MIval=dca_dispdoc&pathid=%2fpolicy%2fonline2rs%2ehtml Both the Labor Party and the Australian Democrats have voted against the new regulations in Parliament. Prior to this the Democrats tabled a minority or dissenting report to the Senate Select Committee for Information Technologies. (The majority Select Committee report recommended the new regulations.) The press release explains the reasons for the Democrats opposition to what were then proposed new regulations. The Democrat's site contains a copy of the press release titled Internet censorship nightmare and written by the party's deputy leader and spokesperson for Information Technology and Attorney General, Senator Natasha Stott Despoja. The press release can be found athttp://www.democrats.org.au/media/1999/05/0253nsd.htm Perhaps the best place to start for an indication of opposition, outside political parties, to the new laws is with the Electronic Frontiers Australia Inc (EFA) site. EFA is a non-profit national organisation formed to protect and promote the civil liberties of users and operators of computer-based communications systems. The EFA home page can be found at http://www.efa.org.au/ EFA have played a major role in opposing the new regulations. On July 1, 1999 (following the passage of the Broadcasting Services Amendment [Online Services] Bill through the House of Representatives) EFA issued a press release calling for the resignation of the Minister for Communications, Information Technology and The Arts, Senator Alston. The press release, titled EFA calls for Minister's resignation, explains some of EFA's objections to the new legislation. It can be found at http://www.efa.org.au/Publish/PR990701.html EFA is a mine of information on the new legislation. If you go to http://www.efa.org.au/Campaigns/99.html you will find links to: * government and parliamentary sites supplying official information on the new legislation; * a wide range of commentary, opposing or questioning the new legislation (including submissions from a variety of groups and individuals to the Senate Select Committee for Information Technologies) and * a collection of press releases and announcements opposing the legislation Gilbert and Tobin, an Australian law firm, with a special interest in telecommunications, new technology and the media, has published on its website A Layman's Guide to Internet Censorship In Australia. The article is written by Brendan Scott and dated July 7, 1999. This analysis and comment is critical of the new legislation. The article details what Scott claims will be the regulations' probable negative impacts on Internet users and providers and their likely ineffectiveness in restricting access to pornography and other prohibited content. Though nine pages long, the article is very clear and supplies a good deal of technical information in an accessible form. It can be found at http://www.gtlaw.com.au/pubs/sobershock.html Further, an interesting analysis of and comment on the new legislation can be found in M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture published on the Web and created at the University of Queensland. M/C has published an article written by Peter Chen and titled Community without Flesh: First Thoughts on the New Broadcasting Services Amendment (Online Services) Bill 1999. Though the language used in much of the article is quite sophisticated, its opening page contains a very clear listing of just what online content is being banned under the new regulations. The article can be found at http://english.uq.edu.au/mc/9905/bill1.html Finally, The Age newspaper has a collection of articles dealing with Censorship Online in its Issues99 special features section. The index to these articles can be found at http://www.theage.com.au/special/censorship/netindex.html |