TITLE: Will City Link benefit Melbourne?Copyright © Echo Education Services First published in The Echo news digest and newspaper sources index. Issue outline by J M McInerney |
Internet links The Melbourne City Link Authority (MCLA) home page supplies much information on the project and the operation of the tolling system. It can be found at http://www.citylink.vic.gov.au/pages/home.html MCLA is a State Government agency established in 1994 to oversee the City Link project on behalf of the Victorian Government. Its functions have included land acquisition, advice on legislation, risk management, public affairs and community consultation. The Melbourne City Link Act 1995 which sets the contractual obligations between the Victorian Government and Transurban can be found at http://www.dms.dpc.vic.gov.au/l2d/M/ACT01022/3_0.html Another detailed source of information on City Link is the Transfield site. Transfield is one of two firms subcontracted by Transurban to design and build City Link. The Transfield City Link site can be found at http://www.transfield.com.au/internetsite/melbcitylink.nsf (Please note: at the time of this outline going to print the Transurban Internet site was not operating. The Transfield site is therefore the best source of information from the developer's perspective.) ETTM On The Web is a site providing current information on electronic toll collection and traffic management. The site's author, Michael Kolb, is based in the United States, and the information presented is primarily American, however, there is information on relevant traffic management developments from all over the world. The site promotes electronic toll collection systems. Its home page can be found at http://www.ettm.com/home.html Of particular interest is its Electronic Toll Collection sub-site which describes the various technologies which comprise an ETC system. This can be found at http://www.ettm.com/etc.html A sub-section of its News, site includes a collection of articles drawn from The Age dealing with City Link. The lead article is titled Australia's CityLink: A Link To The Future by Sushi Das and originally published in The Age on May 27, 1999. This article is followed by thirty-three links to other City Link articles published in The Age since 1997. These can be found at http://www.ettm.com/news/aus_link_future.html The ABC Internet site supplies a full transcript of a 7.30 Report segment dealing with City Link. The report, which was televised on April 15, 1999, is titled Melbourne motorists greet CityLink with mixed emotions. The report includes comments from the premier, Jeff Kennett, David Cumming of the RACV and the Victorian Opposition spokesperson for transport, Mr Peter Bachelor. The report can be found at http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/stories/s22109.htm The ABC Internet site also has the full transcript of a Radio National Background Briefing report on the City Link project. The report is titled Gridlock and was broadcast on February 4, 1996. It is very informative and wide-ranging. It has one of the best available treatments of the disadvantages of the project, considering possible shortfalls in toll revenue, civil liberty issues and noise and air pollution problems for residents in the vicinity of the project. It can be found at http://www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/bbing/stories/s10777.htm The Pacific Rim Advisory Council (PRAC) Internet site has a detailed treatment of the rationale for a number of BOT (build-operate-transfer) projects in Victoria. One of these BOT projects is City Link. The article also looks at the Metropolitan Women's Correctional Centre - a prison project; and the Latrobe Regional Hospital. The article is titled Recent experiences in BOT projects in Australia. It was written by Bradley Vann in April, 1998. It gives a detailed treatment of the economic efficiencies hoped for from such projects. It can be found at http://www.prac.org/materials/1998_Taipei/AustraliaBOT.html PRAC is a group of 27 major independent law firms from the Pacific Rim region. Signposts is a on-line publication of the Australian Centre for Independent Journalism (ACIJ) The ACIJ was established in 1990 by the University of Technology, Sydney and is based at its Broadway Campus. It is a non-profit organisation which aims to develop high standards of independent journalism. In October 1996 Signposts published an article by Charlie Pahlman titled, Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) - Private investment in public projects...or just more public subsidies for the private sector? The article criticises most of the claims usually made in favour of BOT projects. It can be found at The Anti-Jeff Kennett Home Page, produced by Antony Anderson, has a sub-section dealing with City Link. Most of the information contained on this site is claimed to be drawn from newspaper sources, however, as it is a private site and its material is not referenced in detail it should be handled with caution. Its primary use is as a summary of criticisms of the City Link project. The City Link section can be found at http://www.ozemail.com.au/~stud/citylink.htm The public relations firm, Response, has worked for the Moreland City Council. The Moreland City Council wanted more information about the project from the Melbourne City Link Authority, greater consultation with the Authority and to increase residents' awareness of City Links' various impacts on them. Response gives a summary of their work with the Moreland City Council at http://www.responsepr.com.au/case.htm#five |