There are a large number of Internet sites presenting information and opinion on this issue. A useful place to begin is with two brief but forceful expressions of opinion - one opposing single-sex schools the other favouring them. Each of these commentators are from the United States and each is considering the issue of single-sex education for girls. Marina Mogilevich has written a one page argument outlining what she believes are some of the dangers of single-sex education for girls. Her article titled, Wasn't Segregation a Thing of the Past ?, was published in 1994 by the Stuyvesant High School Alumni Association. It can be found at http://www.shsaa.org/Spectator/94n2/3math.html Deirdre Timmons has written another one page article outlining what she believes are the advantages of single-sex education for girls. Her article titled, No Boys Allowed, has been reproduced by Divine Savior Holy Angels, a school for girls in Wisconsin. It originally appeared in the Women's E-zine, Underwire. It can be found at http://dsha.k12.wi.us/NoBoys.htm An argument in favour of single-sex schools for boys can be found on the home page of Blackfriar's Priory School, South Australia. The article titled, Why a Boys' School?, was written by Blackfriar's principal, Fr Martin Wallace, and can be found at A far lengthy argument opposing single-sex schools for girls and boys was published in the Atlantic Monthly in April, 1998. It was written by Wendy Kaminer and is titled The Trouble With Single-Sex Schools. This is a substantial article (it runs for 11 pages) which gives an historical overview of single-sex- and co-education in the United States and examines the arguments for and against each before finally arguing against single-sex schools. It can be found at http://www.theatlantic.com/atlantic/issues/98apr/singsex.htm In March 1998, the American Association of University Women (AAUW) released a report claiming that, in general, single-sex education could not be shown to benefit girls. The report was titled Separated by Sex: A Critical Look at Single-Sex Education for Girls. The AAUW report drew on data from Catholic and independent single-sex schools in the United States, as well as single-sex schools in Australia, Ireland and Britain. A summary of the report can be found on the AAUW's home page at http://www.aauw.org/2000/ssprbd.html A comprehensive examination of gender and education in Australia can be found in a report titled, `Girls, Schools ..... and Boys - Promoting Gender Equity Through Schools: Twenty Years of Gender Equity Policy Development' The report, written by Shelley McInnis, can be accessed through the Australian Parliamentary Library. It is Research Paper 24 1995-96. It can be found at http://www.aph.gov.au/library/pubs/rp/1995-96/96rp24.htm It is a detailed report analysing the effectiveness of federal Government policy attempts to ensure that girls are given fair access to education and real opportunities for success. It is a long report (33 pages) and for the purposes of considering the single-sex or co-ed issue you might want to begin by reading its treatment of Recent Developments. Under this heading are subsections titled The National Action Plan for the Education of Girls and The 'What About the Boys?' Debate. You might also want to read the report's conclusions. The purpose of this report is not to promote single-sex education. Instead it considers how the specific needs of male and female students can be addressed, generally in a co-education setting. An article titled, Boys' Education: is equity enough? looks at the education and broader socialisation problems facing boys. It argues that a gender equity approach or a continuation of the National Action Plan for the Education of Girls is insufficient to address the problems of boys. The article, which focuses on the situation in New South Wales, is written by Peter Vogel. Peter Vogel is the editor of Certified Male, a journal of men's issues, published in Australia on the Internet and as a print magazine. The article was published in the Autumn 1996 edition of Certified Male. Though he does not address the single-sex issue, Vogel argues that specific provision needs to be made for boys irrespective of the educational setting. The article can be found at http://www.pnc.com.au/~pvogel/cm/aut96/boysed.htm An earlier Certified Male article, published in the Winter 1995 edition, addresses the same issue. It can be found at http://www.pnc.com.au/~pvogel/cm/wint95/girlboy.htm The article titled, Girl-Friendly/Boy-Friendly, argues that educational reforms over the last twenty years have made schools more congenial places for girls but have not addressed the problems of boys. |