Defining terms and the legal situation re suicide and euthanasia Euthanasia is generally understood to mean the hastening of the death of a suffering, terminally ill person. Those groups supporting euthanasia expect it to be voluntary. That is, the decision to die should be the free, informed choice of the person concerned. A distinction can be drawn between active voluntary euthanasia, where the doctor administers a lethal substance to a patient, and doctor-assisted suicide, where the doctor facilitates and oversees the suicide of a terminally ill person. As already noted, the Northern Territory Act (now inactive) legalised both these means of hastening death. Active, voluntary euthanasia is illegal throughout Australia and almost everywhere else in the world. In The Netherlands, while it is not formally permitted under the law, a doctor who practises it is exempt from prosecution. Active, voluntary euthanasia is legal in the North American state of Oregon. Suicide is not a crime in any Australian state. However, it is a crime to help anyone kill themselves or to encourage them to do so. The so-called `euthanasia clinic' proposed by Dr Nitschke appears to involve facilitating suicide rather than performing active euthanasia. It also appears that the doctor would not be prescribing or supplying fatal drugs, but would, instead, be advising clients where they could be obtained. Provisions of the now inoperative Northern Territory Rights of the Terminally Ill Act Dr Nitschke has claimed that he would assist, through his clinic, patients who would have qualified for euthanasia or doctor-assisted suicide under the provisions of the Northern Territory Rights of the Terminally ill Act. It is currently not possible to determine how closely he would be able to adhere to the provisions of this Act. The Act required the following conditions be meet. * The patient must make a request to die; * The patient must be at least 18 and suffering from an illness that will result in death; * A first doctor must diagnose the terminal illness and be willing to help with the death; * A second doctor, specialising in the patient's illness, must confirm diagnosis and prognosis; * A psychiatrist must confirm the patient is not suffering a treatable clinical depression; * Seven days must pass after the patient formally indicates the wish to die; * The patient must complete and sign a certificate of request, signed by the second doctor; * The patient must share the same language as the second doctor, or an interpreter must sign the request; * Forty-eight hours after the request has been signed, the patient can die. There are a very large number of Internet sites supplying information on euthanasia generally and doctor-assisted suicide in particular. A useful anti-euthanasia site is Living in Australia - without deadly deliverance. The site's home page can be found at http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/8270/index.html The site has links to position statements, opposing euthanasia, by a number of churches and Aboriginal spokespeople. It also gives the viewpoint of the Australian Medical Association and hospice workers and doctors, arguing against euthanasia. In addition it has an interesting, but highly critical, overview of Dr Jack Kervorkian, an American doctor who assists suicides. An index of these links can be found at http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/8270/reasons.htm An informative site supporting euthanasia has been set up by the Voluntary Euthanasia Society of Victoria. The Society's home page can be found at http://home.vicnet.net.au/~vesv/ The site gives information on the situation as it pertained in the Northern Territory, as well as the pro-euthanasia provisions which currently apply in Oregon (USA) and The Netherlands. It has an interesting sub-site supporting Dr Kervorkian. Of particular interest regarding the suicide advice clinic proposed by Dr Nitschke are the provisions of the Victorian Crimes Act re aiding or encouraging suicide. These can be found on the Society's site at http://home.vicnet.net.au/~vesv/act.htm Another very useful site which has a sub section dealing with euthanasia has been set up by the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. The group's writers provide background information on a wide range of ethical issues, attempting to present and discuss a range of views on each. Their treatment of euthanasia and physician assisted suicide can be found at http://www.religioustolerance.org/euthanas.htm This supplies a useful set of definitions and much background information on euthanasia as it occurs or has occurred in the United States and other nations, including Australia. Though the site is generally impartial, please note that when it considers the Ethical Questions Raised by Euthanasia it appears to have a pro-euthanasia bias. The Northern Territory's Rights of the Terminally Ill Act can be accessed at http://coburg.nt.gov.au/lant/rotti/ All the provisions of the Act can be accessed together with a range of support materials. Included is a speech made by the Northern Territory's then Chief Minister, Marshall Perron, arguing for legalised euthanasia. Marshall Perron introduced the private members bill which became the Northern Territory's Rights of the Terminally Ill Act. |