There are a number of Internet sites which supply information on this issue. Two of particular interest look at women in the military in the United States. In the United States women comprise some 12 per cent of the armed forces and occupy most positions, with the exception of combat jobs. All legal impediments have now been removed to women serving in combat roles, however, to date their deployment in this manner has been restricted by the policy positions of the different branches of the armed forces. The deployment of some 40,000 women to Saudi Arabia has provided the most extensive experience to date of the role women might play in the United States military. In December, 1996, the CRS (Congressional Research Service) produced a comprehensive report for the United States Houses of Congress on the position and role of women in the military. The report is titled 92008: Women in the Armed Forces and was produced by David F Burrelli. It is ten pages long and gives a clear and comprehensive overview of many of the issues involved including whether women should be barred from combat positions and the extent of, and suggested responses to, the problem of sexual harassment. It can be found at http://www.fas.org/man/crs/92-008.htm The Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine has reproduced an article titled, The Health and Hormone Status of Female Cadets and Active-Duty Women in the US Armed Forces. The article can be found at http://www.ama-assn.org/sci-pubs/journals/archive/ajdc/vol_152/no_1/letter_5.htm It was originally published in January 1998 and was produced by Dr William H James of the Galton Laboratory, University College, London. The article suggests that the prolonged, strenuous exercise undertaken by women in military training may lead to hormonal imbalances resulting in a cessation of periods, an increased risk of stress fractures and problematic pregnancies. The article does not suggest that women should be prevented from undertaking certain forms of military service because of the effects on their bodies, however, it does suggest that estrogen supplements should be considered for such women. |