TITLE: Should all genetically modified foodstuffs be labelled as such?Copyright © Echo Education Services First published in The Echo news digest and newspaper sources index. Issue outline by J M McInerney |
Internet information sectionThere are a very large number of Internet sites which deal with genetically modified food in general and, in particular, the issue of whether such food should be labelled as genetically altered. A good place to start is with the BBC's Online Network which has a special sub-section of its site titled Special report: Food under the microscope The index page for this special section can be found at THIS ADDRESS Of particular interest to those finding their way around this issue is a link from this section titled Genetically-modified Q&A Answers to basic questions can be found here at THIS ADRESS In addition to straight-forward information about how plants are genetically modified, this series of questions and answers explains the laws regarding GM food as they currently apply in the United Kingdom and also explains the term 'substantial equivalence', which is important for understanding the basis on which many regulations governing genetically modified food have been established. The well-regarded science magazine, New Scientist, has set up a special sub-section of its site to look at genetically modified food. The subsite is titled Living in a GM world. Special Report: the facts versus the frenzy The subsite can be found at http://gmworld.newscientist.com/ It links to a large number of New Scientist articles dealing with aspects of genetic engineering and food production. Its lead article is titled Unpalatable truthsand explains the difficulty of testing to determine if genetically engineered foods are safe. The subsite was set up in April, 1999, but has links to more recent material. It is worth taking the time to explore its range of links. The nature magazine, Nature, also has a number of special features relating to genetically engineered food. A collection of what appear to be the most recent can be accessed by clicking on THIS ADDRESS Monsanto UK has a large section of its site given over to a consideration of genetically modified food. The company is concerned to show the advantages that genetically modified food is claimed to offer. The relevant section of its site can be accessed at http://www.monsanto.co.uk/index.html Of particular interest is its Safety Assessments Of Foods Derived From Genetically Modified Plants. These can be accessed at http://www.monsanto.co.uk/highlights/safety.html Monsanto is one of the world's largest biotechnology firms. It is a global firm with facilities on many continents. The company's headquarters are in St. Louis, Missouri (USA). Its business sectors are: * Agricultural, including seeds improved through biotechnology, crop-protection chemicals and dairy cow product. It has long been a world leader in the production of pesticides and herbicides. * Pharmaceutical, including products for arthritis, cardiovascular problems, insomnia and women's health. * Nutrition & Consumer Products, including food ingredients and food-product systems. The United States National Food Processors Association (NFPA) has issued a policy statement on the 1998 United States proposals to alter the law regarding the labelling of genetically modified food. The NFPA represents the US food processing industry on scientific and public policy issues involving food safety, nutrition, technical and regulatory matters and consumer affairs. The Association's statement on the labelling of genetically modified food can be found at http://www.nfpa-food.org/Comments/label98_9_30.html The document is titled NFPA Comments on Genetically Modified Food Labeling Proposal of August 27, 1998 The NFPA supports voluntary, not compulsory, labelling, and argues that the food processor should not have to label food components as genetically modified where they are 'substantially equivalent' to the naturally occurring component. Interestingly, the NFPA believes that 'Mandatory labeling would discourage advances in this new important technology. ' This would appear to suggest that the NFPA considers that consumers may not accept genetically modified food if they were aware that that was what they were purchasing. The International Food Information Council (IFIC) has produced an eight-page article titled Backgrounder - Food Biotechnology. At the time of this issue outline going to print the article had last been updated in April, 1999. The background piece gives clear, accessible information on the uses to which genetic engineering has been put in the United States food production industry. It lists the current and hoped for advantages in applying this technology to food production and manufacture. It also lists the current laws and regulatory bodies, including the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), intended to safeguard the quality of United States food. The piece adopts a uniformly positive attitude to genetically modified food and suggests there are no risks that are not adequately allowed for by present legislation and regulatory practice. The article can be found at http://ificinfo.health.org/backgrnd/BKGR14.htm The IFIC is a non-profit organization providing information on food safety and nutrition to health and nutrition professionals, educators, government officials and others. Despite its title, IFIC focuses primarily on US issues. It is based in Washington Financially, the IFIC is supported primarily by the broad-based US food, beverage and agricultural industries. The Alliance for Bio-Integrity presents a Summary Overview opposing genetically engineered food. This is again a clear and accessible article presenting the anti-GM food argument from a number of perspectives. It can be found at http://www.bio-integrity.org/Overview.html The Alliance for Bio-Integrity is a US-based organisation. It claims to be non-profit and non-political. Its stated aim is human advancement and environmental health 'through sustainable and safe technologies'. It seeks to * inform the public about technologies and practices that negatively impact on health and the environment * inspire broad-based, responsible action that helps correct the problems and uphold the integrity of the natural order. The site is interesting, in part because it presents both scientific and religious arguments against certain biotechnological developments. The international environmental protection organisation, Greenpeace, opposes genetically engineered food. Greenpeace has a subsection of its site dealing with this issue. This can be found at http://www.greenpeace.org/~geneng/ This subsite gives simple explanations of genes and genetic engineering. It argues that the effects of genetic engineering are unpredictable and that safety testing has been inadequate. It also summarises the various bases for public concern and looks at the labelling issue as it has been approached by the United Nations, the United States and the European Union. International Consumers has produced summaries of consumer attitudes to the labelling of genetically modified food in Australia, Canada, the European Union and the United States.. These can be found at http://www.oneworld.org/consumers/campaigns/biotech/surveys.html They appear to indicate that a significant majority of those surveyed in all these countries or regions favour the labelling of food to indicate it has been genetically modified. International Consumers has also produced a clear and detailed argument for the compulsory labelling of all genetically engineered food. It includes a consideration of many of the hazards that could result from genetically modified foods. The article is titled Why We Need Labelling of Genetically Engineered Food and can be found at http://www.oneworld.org/consumers/campaigns/biotech/whylabel.html International Consumers was founded in 1960 as the International Organization of Consumers Unions. In 1995, the organisation adopted the name Consumers International. It has five regional operations and some 200 member consumer groups from some 90 countries. It aims to support member organisations and to promote policies at the international level that respect consumer concerns. It is a non-profit organisation and is not politically aligned. It is funded by fees from member organisations and by foundation and government grants. It is campaigning to have the United Nations recommend that all genetically engineered food should be labelled as such. |