Definition of impeachment Any public official can be impeached. This means that they have charges brought against them. The object of impeachment is to determine if the official should remain in office. How impeachment works In the case of a United States president the process potentially involves both houses of Congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate. The process begins in the House of Representatives, where the Judiciary Committee has to decide whether the impeachment should go ahead. The Chairperson has the Judiciary Committee conduct an inquiry into the president's conduct. If the Committee decides that impeachment is warranted the full House of Representatives will then debate each of the charges that could be brought against the president and vote on them. These possible charges are called the Articles of Impeachment. If a majority of the House of Representatives approves any one of the Articles the president is `impeached', that is, he is formally charged. The president then has to be tried for the charges by the Senate. The President is represented by his lawyers and a group of House of Representative `managers' are selected as `prosecutors'. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court acts as judge and all 100 Senators act as jury. The Senate meets in private to debate a verdict and then meets openly to vote on that verdict. A two thirds majority is required for conviction, that is, more than 66 senators need to vote to find the president guilty. The Senate then votes again to remove the president from office. A two-third majority is also needed to remove the president. Impeachable offences The Constitution of the United States reads, `The president ... shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.' What `high crimes and misdemeanors' are remains open to definition. In 1970, Gerald Ford, then a member of the House of Representatives, stated that impeachable offences were `whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history.' The three general categories under which impeachment articles have previously been issued are: 1) exceeding the powers of the office as defined by the Constitution 2) behaviour grossly incompatible with the proper function and purpose of the office 3) using the power of the office for an improper purpose or for personal gain. The history of impeachment, including Watergate Only one United States president, Andrew Johnson, has ever been impeached. His impeachment is generally regarded as having been politically motivated. The impeachment occurred in 1868, shortly after the American Civil War, and centred around a conflict between the president and the House of Representatives over the power to remove Senate-approved officials. When these charges were heard in the Senate they did not gain the necessary two-third majority and the president was not removed from office. The other United States president in serious danger of impeachment was Richard Nixon. Nixon was a Republican president . He was first elected president in 1968 and then elected for a second term in 1972. Nixon was implicated in an attempt to conceal a break-in at the offices of the Democratic National Committee, the head quarters of the opposing party, the Democrats. The scandal began with political burglary and expanded to include bribery, phone-tapping, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, illegal use of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and illegal use of the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). The affair came to be known as Watergate (the name of the hotel and office complex in Washington DC where the offices of the Democratic National Committee were burgled). Richard Nixon was never impeached. Congress was debating his impeachment when the president decided to resign. The Office of the Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, whose recent report to the Senate lists possible grounds for impeaching President Clinton, is an Independent Counsel. This is a relatively new office, which did not exist during the Nixon controversy. The Independent Counsel Statute which established the Office of the Independent Counsel was passed in 1978. It calls for an independent body to investigate alleged wrongdoing by the president and members of his administration. The office was established in direct response to the Watergate scandal. It has large resources, in terms of both funding and personnel, at its disposal. The current investigation into President Clinton is said to have cost some $A68.8 million. The Independent Counsel can be assisted by a federal grand jury. A grand jury is a group of twelve citizens called together to hear evidence and determine whether charges should be brought against a particular person. Investigations into the conduct of public officials sometimes involve grand juries. President Clinton gave video-taped evidence for a federal grand jury on August 17, 1998, as part of Kenneth Starr's investigation. |