The issue
On July 3, 2000, it was reported that the Royal Women's Hospital had suspended three of its doctors pending an internal investigation and the result of a coroner's investigation.
The doctors were suspended because it had been reported to the that they had been involved in the late-term abortion of a 32-week foetus, which testing had indicated would suffer from dwarfism.
The mother was reported as being suicidal at the prospect of bearing a child with this disability and had come to the hospital seeking a termination.
The hospital does not normally perform terminations of foetuses of more than 20 weeks.
What they said ...
'It makes me angry. It makes me sad. We're short. So what?'
Francis Kelly, chairman of Short-Statured People of Australia, commenting on a survey which shows that 78 per cent of obstetricians support abortion of foetuses with dwarfism
'Terminations of pregnancy beyond 20 weeks gestation are ... carried out for serious foetal abnormality and life threatening maternal illness'
One of the conclusions of the 1998 Medical Board of Victoria report on late-terminations of pregnancy