The issue
On Tuesday, July 4, 2000, a two-year old boy was mauled to death by the family dog. The death, the fourth known fatal dog attack in Victoria's history, has led to a range of Government proposals including making it an offence for a dog or cat to trespass on private property; giving courts the power to seize dogs suspected of attacks; testing and licensing new dog owners and widening the dangerous dog category to include all attack trained and commercial guard dogs.
Though some have welcomed these proposals others consider them excessive, misdirected and impractical.
What they said ...
'... some breeds of notoriously savage dogs do not belong either in the home or on the streets'
Editorial, The Herald Sun, July 6, 2000
'... 66 per cent of all dog attacks occur within the confines of a home. Don't blame the dog or the breed. Dog owners lift your game and be responsible for your decisions'
Roger Hampson, chief executive, Victorian Canine Association