There is a limited number of Internet sites which deal with aspects of this issue. The Defence Public Affairs Organisation (DPAO) has a copy of a media release from the Chief of the Defence Force, Admiral Chris Barrie. The release is dated 28 September, 1999, and is titled Defence Chief Reiterates Conscript Remarks. In this release Admiral Barrie explains that remarks of his made on the Sunday program and subsequently reported in the print media were not intended as a general condemnation of national service personnel. Rather, the release indicates, the admiral does not believe that conscripts are appropriate in Australia's current circumstances and in a 'modern high technology defence force'. The admiral's media release can be found at On 15 October 1996, the Minister for Defence The Hon. Ian McLachlan, AO, MP established the DER (Defence Efficiency Review). A series of fact sheets summarising the recommendations of the DER can be found at This is a substantial collection of documents, however, as an indication of defence department and government thinking on Australia's defence requirements up to 1996, it is very interesting. Of particular interest are fact sheets Nos 18 & 19 dealing with Resources Saving and Employment Implications. Finally, Research and Analysis, the newsletter of the Directorate of Army Research and Analysis, has an interesting article giving an overview of Australia's defence policy up to the time of publication. The article is titled Strategic Guidance: Emerging Themes and Tensions and was written by Lieutenant Colonel Mike Norris and Major Darren Kerr, both with the Strategy and Concepts Section of the Directorate of Army Research and Analysis. It was published in issue No 14 of Research and Analysis, dated May, 1997. The article can be found at This article foreshadows an apparent shift in Australia's defence policy from one focused narrowly on DOA (Defence of Australia) to 'a more expansive concept of regional security engagement'. This is particularly in the light of Australia's current role in East Timor. Especially of interest is the judgement 'ADF will need to consider the appropriate size of the land force commitment which could be sustained and still remain relevant and influential. Recent European experience has demonstrated that a brigade-sized force is the minimum necessary to achieve military influence. Given the reduction of the Army full-time force to 20 000 by the year 2000, this poses a significant challenge.' The article appears to suggest that there is an inherent contradiction between a more ambitious foreign policy posture and government-inspired attempts to reduce military expenditure and manpower. |