TITLE: Politics and media 'gags': should the Victorian premier, Jeff Kennett, have prevented Liberal election candidates speaking to mainstream media?Copyright © Echo Education Services First published in The Echo news digest and newspaper sources index. Issue outline by J M McInerney |
There is a large number of Internet sites which deal with aspects of this issue. * The ABC's 7.30 Report of August 24, 1999, contained a segment which looked at the impending Victorian election and the electorate's probable reaction to Mr Kennett's leadership style. The segment was titled, Kennett at unbackable odds as Victoria goes to the polls. It can be found at http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/stories/s46319.htm A week later on August 31, 1999, the 7.30 Report included a segment titled, Kennett pioneers silent election campaign. This dealt explicitly with the Premier and the Coalition's attitude to whether candidates should be able to speak with mainstream media or debate their political opponents during the election campaign. It includes comments from the Premier, Mr Jeff Kennett; the Nationals' leader, Mr Pat McNamara; the leader of the Labor Opposition, Mr Steve Bracks; and a number of Liberal backbenchers. It can be found at http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/stories/s48236.htm * An ABC Four Corners' report titled Kennett's Culture gives interesting background on the Kennett Government's supposed sensitivity to media criticism. The Four Corners' report was televised on September 22, 1997 and dealt with the difficulties surrounding the production and screening of a Channel 7, Today Tonight, critique of Mr Kennett's share dealings. It can be found at http://www.abc.net.au/news/features/four_corners/default.htm * A Radio National Media Report feature titled Victorian Premier, Jeff Kennett's relationship with the media in the lead up to an election also gives interesting background on the Kennett Government's relationship with the media. This transcript is particularly useful as it has various commentators speculating about the manner in which the Kennett Government would handle the media in the lead-up to the 1996 election. The report can be found at http://www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/8.30/mediarpt/mstories/mr071202.htm * An Internet site which gives valuable information on various aspects of politics in Australia is Malcolm Farnsworth's VCEpolitics.com It can be found at http://vcepolitics.com/ The site includes useful information on the parties and the relationship between parties and the media. * It supplies a very interesting critical analysis of the manner in which the media have treated the Labor Opposition leader, John Brumby, compared to the treatment received by the Victorian Premier, Jeff Kennett. The analysis was written in 1997 by Sarah Pinto and is titled, The Importance of Jeff - A Media Study. It can be found at http://vcepolitics.com/states/vic/pinto.htm * Another interesting background site is Basil Smith's A Chariot of Fire - Secret Ballots IN Parliament. This is a six chapter publication, fully available on the Internet. Its author is highly critical of the party system and the sort of discipline that this imposes on party members. He argues that party discipline means that elected representatives are unable to respond adequately to the needs of their electorates. Chariots of Fire's index can be found at http://home.vicnet.net.au/~basils/asc1.htm * Chapter Two, treating the current role of parties, can be found at http://home.vicnet.net.au/~basils/asc4.htm Though the book focuses on federal politics many of its observations are relevant to state parliaments. It also comments on the effect of party politics on the media and its tendency to focus on party leaders. |