The issue 2000 was a significant year in the development of relations between Aboriginal and white Australians. The year was officially titled Corroboree 2000. Representatives of Aboriginal Australia called for a treaty. There were also calls for an apology from the Australian Government to all members of the 'stolen generations', that is, Aboriginal people who had been taken from their parents as children. The current Australian Government has persistently argued that such an apology is inappropriate and will not be given. It is also opposed to the idea of a treaty as it argues that a treaty is not signed between members of the same nation. The Government has instead supported the idea of giving Aboriginal people financial support to help them overcome disadvantages in health and education. In October 2000, the minister for reconciliation, Mr Philip Ruddock, created controversy when he suggested that the reason for Aboriginal disadvantage was the depressed state of Aboriginal technological development at the time of white settlement. Shortly afterwards, a former Governor General and one time leader of the federal Labor Party, Mr Bill Hayden, stated that he also believed an apology was inappropriate. Mr Hayden also questioned the value of welfare payments to Aboriginal people, arguing that such payments could undermine independence.
What they said ... 'Telling non-indigenous Australians that they are the heirs and successors of, and apparently not much different from, there allegedly mass-murdering, racist, repressive ancestors [is likely to generate a] rather large public backlash' Mr Bill Hayden, former Governor General
'Aborigines would never have been in their present predicament if they had not been victims of white dispossession, brutal treatment, and misguided and often cruel and racist protection and welfare policies' Mr Hal Wootten, one of the royal commissioners into Aboriginal deaths in custody and a former deputy president of the National Native Title Tribunal