The issue Indonesia forcibly annexed East Timor in 1975. The annexation frustrated East Timorese desires for independence for nearly 25 years. It was only in August of 1999 that East Timor was able to vote for its independence from Indonesia and then this independence had to be guaranteed by a United Nations peace-keeping force. Critics of Australia's foreign policy in 1975 have long argued that Australia either acquiesced to Indonesia's military take-over of East Timor or that it did far too little to prevent it. (Similar claims have been made about the United States' response to the annexation.) In September 2000 the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade released many of the diplomatic papers from the 1974-76 period detailing Australia's dealings with Indonesia in the matter of East Timor. The Australians most involved appear to have been the then Australian Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam, and the Australian ambassador to Indonesia, Richard Woolcott. These papers have fuelled the criticisms of those who have claimed that Australia sold East Timor out. Supporters of Australia's actions have claimed that the papers indicate that Australia was merely bowing to the inevitable, that it hoped that self-determination would ultimately be possible and that it never endorsed the use of violence by Indonesia.
What they said ... 'I want it [East Timor] incorporated, but I do not want this done in a way [that] will create argument in Australia ...' Australian Prime Minister, Mr Gough Whitlam
'I am in favour of incorporation, but obeisance has to be made to self-determination' Australian Prime Minister, Mr Gough Whitlam