The issue
In January, 2001, it was decided to attempt to relocate a large colony of grey-headed flying foxes which had taken up residence in the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne. There was wide-spread concern that the bats were causing serious damage to the gardens and that the control methods that had been used up to that point had been a failure. The gardens management had begun a limited cull of the bats in May, 2000, but had stopped when the Victorian Government indicated it was awaiting the recommendation of its Scientific Advisory Committee. The Committee ultimately recommended that the flying foxes should be protected, however, in the intervening period the plan to relocated the animals had been rejected as impracticable and it had been decided to proceed with a cull. The question of how the bats should be controlled has generated wide-spread and heated debate.
What they said ... '... many human-hating activists want to ... sacrifice part of our civilisation to these flying rats' Andrew Bolt, commentator for The Herald Sun
'I would have no choice but ... the protection of the native fruit bats. We have a species in trouble that needs help' Michael Kennedy of The Humane Society International