The issue On September 15, 2000, it was reported in the British medical journal, The Lancet, that a disease very similar to nvCreutzfeldt-Jakob (nvCJD) disease could be transmitted between sheep via transfusion. This prompted Australia to consider a ban on all potential blood donors who might be infected with nvCJD. The proposed ban has meet with the support of all state and territory health ministers and seems likely to be in place by early next year. The principal source of contention seems to derive from those such as the Queensland Health Minister, Wendy Edmond, who believe the ban should be imposed immediately, and those such as Meryl Dorey, president of the Australian Vaccination Network, who argue that the ban should have been imposed some years ago when the threat was first suspected. nvCJD is a fatal brain disease thought to be related to Britain's notorious Mad Cow disease. It is feared that some of those who ate cattle infected with Mad Cow disease subsequently developed nvCJD as a result. The additional fear is that those who have contracted nvCJD may be able to transmit the disease via blood donations. The proposed Australian ban would prevent such people donating blood. Those to be prohibited for this reason would have had to have lived in Britain for six months or more between 1980 and 1996, the period during which it is believed the likelihood of eating beef products contaminated with Mad Cow disease was greatest.
What they said ... 'Once a risk is identified, even if it's a theoretical risk, the blood bank must take whatever reasonable measures it can to ensure public safety. That must happen even if it means a drop in eligible donors' Dr Kerryn Phelps, the federal president of the Australian Medical Association
'... if we can't get new donors it will curtail some surgery. People will suffer because we may not have enough blood for the operations and emergency procedures that we need' Dr Michael Wooldridge, the federal Health Minister