The issue On 21 March 2000 the Minister for Education, Training and Youth Affairs requested the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Workplace Relations to inquire into education in Australia: The Committee has been charged with inquiring into the social, cultural and educational factors affecting the education of boys in Australian schools, particularly in relation to their literacy needs and socialisation skills. The Committee has also been asked to identify what successful strategies are currently being used in the education of male students. The Committee is still hearing evidence. It most recent public hearing was held in Hobart on July 25, 2001. This hearing is only the most recent investigation into a perceived problem with the education of boys. This 'boys' education' question has generated numerous studies and a great deal of debate as to the nature of the problem and how it might best be addressed.
What they said ... 'The struggle to reduce male alienation, anger and violence must start in our schools' Federal Labor MP, Lindsay Tanner
'[The] suggestion that the education system should accept responsibility to find solutions for [the problems of adolescent males] is objectionable' Tony Smith, who teaches Australian politics at the University of Sydney