The issue
The potentially fatal condition, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), also known as "economy class syndrome", has attracted considerable media attention since the death in October of a 28-year-old British woman after a 20-hour flight from Australia.
The Civil Aviation Authority of Australia (CASA) responded to the situation by immeditaely publishing warnings about the risk of DVT on its website. Qantas and Ansett were initially reluctant to place such warnings, but by January 2001 had agreed to do so.
In November 2000 the British House of Lords released a report on health and air travel which included the conclusion that more should be done to inform passengers of the risk of developing DVT. The report also suggested passengers be allowed more leg room and encouraged to drink more water.
Shortly afterwards a report from the University of Amsterdam was published in the Lancet. This disputed that long haul flight was a major contributing factor to the development of DVT.
The debate continues, intensified by the prospect of legal action on behalf of many passengers who believe they have developed DVT as a result of the airlines' negligence.
What they said ...
'I would say that without question ... [the airlines] have failed in their duty of care to the travelling public and to their staff'
Federal Labor MP Neil O'Keefe, who suffered a deep vein thrombosis after a long-distance flight.
'... there is still absolutely no evidence to suggest that the airline environment is any more likely to cause DVT than other environments where one is immobile for a long period of time'
British Airways statement on the DVT risk for passengers taking long distance flights