The issue The Ridley Scott film Hannibal was originally given an MA classification by the Office of Film and Literature Classification (OFLC) prior to its screening in Australia. The OFLC had voted four to one to give Hannibal an MA rating. This classification allowed for the film to be seen by children under 15 in the company of an adult and independently by children over 15. The Queensland Censorship Minister, Judy Spence, requested that the OFLC decision be reviewed. The federal Attorney-General was then legally obliged to refer the request for a review to the Classification Review Board. The Classification Review Board upheld the challenge to the original classification and reclassified the film R. An R classification restricts the film to an audience whose members are 18 years or older. The debate surrounding the original classification of the film and the effectiveness of the OFLC continues.
What they said ... 'I'll concede that the censors have justifiable grounds for giving it [Hannibal] an MA' Leigh Paatsch, Herald Sun film critic
'... the nice people at Hoyts or Village will be only too happy to take your youngsters' money and rape their minds with this horror [Hannibal]' Andrew Bolt, a commentator for The Herald Sun