The issue
It has been proposed to redevelop the MCG (Melbourne Cricket Ground). Under the proposal the Olympic and Ponsford stands would be demolished and new, more spacious and better-serviced stands would be built. Also proposed is that the members' stand or members' pavilion would be demolished. The members' stand was built in 1928 and is the oldest surviving stand at the MCG. The plan to remove the Olympic and Ponsford stands has provoked little comment and generally seems to have been accepted as a necessary improvement. However, the proposal to remove the members' pavilion has concerned a number of groups, including the National Trust.
What they said ... 'a moderately elderly and not-all-that-attractive architectural minorpiece' Charles Stephens, a Melbourne writer, commenting on the Members' Pavilion at the MCG
'If the Members' Pavilion is demolished and a modern stand is built in its place, the MCG will appear like any other large sporting arena around the world: a large concrete doughnut' Randall Bell, the Victorian chairman of the National Trust of Australia