The issue
Australia's treatment of illegal immigrants has recently attracted significant media attention. In part this has been because of a riot and then a number of attempted escapes at a some of Australia's detention centres for illegal immigrants.
The use of water cannon and tear gas to control such outbreaks has been criticised. Many of these criticisms were focused on the Woomera detention centre in South Australia. Then in December 2000 a Tongan man apparently committed suicide in circumstances which suggest that detention centre staff may not have handled his situation appropriately.
Also in December 2000, former Liberal Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser, condemned Australia's illegal immigrant detention centres, especially Woomera.
These criticisms have not led to an independent inquiry. Instead the Immigration Minister, Mr Philip Ruddock, seems to have been primarily concerned to defend his Government's policy on the handling of illegal immigrants.
What they said ...
'As detainees, they get priority over other applicants. In effect, they are jumping the queue'
Gary Klintworth, a former member of the Refugee Review Tribunal
'These people are not criminal prisoners detained at our pleasure but asylum seekers who have effectively placed themselves in our care'
The Age in an editorial published on January 4, 2001