The issue
In June, 2001, Netball Australia announced its decision to ban pregnant woman from competition. The decision appeared to be motivated by a variety of factors ranging from concern that the Association could be sued if there were an injury through to concern that pregnant players and their unborn children could suffer harm.
The Association's action created an immediate furore. The Australian Medical Association and a range of other groups opposed it. A number of female sporting competitors indicated that they would ignore any such ban and play without declaring their pregnancy.
Netball Australia asked the Australian Sports Commission to conduct a forum on the issue. This was held in August, 2001.
What they said ...
'If we're not careful we'll let the legalities run wild and the rights of women and plain common sense will lose out'
Ms Brown, coach of Melbourne Phoenix
'I discovered there was a lack of medical evidence to support the anecdotal precedents that imply that pregnant women are safe to play certain sports'
Sue Taylor, Netball Australia president
'The sententious bleating about a small man with a microphone is laughable, when families sit down at news time and see a barrage of evil, from unending global war to local violence'
Mr Michael Witheford, a Melbourne writer, questioning critics of Mathers' lyrics