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The Harry Potter phenomenon: have the Harry Potter novels, film and associated merchandise been of benefit to children?
What they said ... What they said ... 'Rowling [has] written fantasies in which an unassuming hero faces his own fear and, in so doing, conquers evil' The Age, editorial published on November 25, 2001
'The Potter imprint can almost double the price of an item. Leading British store chain Marks & Spencer sells Potter pyjamas for an 11 year old for 21 pound. A similar pair of pyjamas without Harry's image is 12 pound' Sunday Times article reproduced in The Australian on November 26, 2001
The issue at a glance The first of the four Harry Potter novels, by J K Rowling, was published in 1997. Three more novels have since been published and a further three are anticipated. The books have been a huge commercial and critical success. More than 100 million copies have been sold worldwide in 49 languages and across 110 countries. In 2001 the first Harry Potter film was released. It also appears likely to be a huge commercial success, attracting very large audiences to its initial screenings. It seems likely that at least two more Harry Potter films will be made. In addition to the books and the film, Harry Potter has become a merchandising phenomenon. Coca Cola has paid almost $3 million for sole rights to the global marketing campaign surrounding the film. The toy manufacturer, Mattel, has also secured a contract to produce authorised Harry Potter toys. While some have maintained that the books have been a boon to children's literacy, promoting reading for pleasure across the world, there are those who are concerned that the Harry Potter phenomenon is damaging children. Some Christian schools have banned the novels from their school libraries.
Background The central character in J K Rowling's novels is introduced to his readers as an eleven-year-old boy. Harry Potter lives with his aunt and uncle and is initially unaware that he is a wizard. Harry is not well treated by his aunt and uncle and is victimised by his cousin. His adventures begin when he attends Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where he begins to discover his true nature and his family's history. The novels have been praised for their detailed characterisation, the richness of their physical descriptions and the engaging fantasy of the world they create. They have also been praised for pitting their central characters in a moral battle against evil and for allowing their readers to develop confidence in their ability to fight for right causes against significant odds. There have been four novels published in the series so far - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The novels have been a remarkable publishing success. Over a hundred million copies have been sold world wide and some estimates have suggested that half the children in the United States between the ages of seven and twelve have read at least one of the four novels published so far.
Internet information There are a large number of Internet sites containing information about the Harry Potter books and film. There are also numerous sites dealing with aspects of the Harry Potter debate. Many of these are Christian websites arguing that the books promote a dangerous message.
An excellent listing of sites dealing with J K Rowling and the Harry Potter books is titled 'K J Rowling on the Web' and can be found at It links to official sites for publishers and the Warner Brothers film. It also links to a wide range of fan sites as well as reviews and scholarly publications dealing with the books. It is the best single source of information on the Harry Potter books that The Echo has discovered.
Publishers Allen and Unwin have a section of their site given over to J K Rowling. This gives some clear and accessible biographical information about the author. It also includes some suggestions made by Rowling about the origins of her characters and some of her aims in writing the books. This site can be found at
The debate surrounding the supposedly unwholesome influence of J K Rowling's books was in significant measure prompted by an article titled 'Harry Potter books spark rise in Satanism among children.' The article purported to be a genuine account of an upsurge of Satan worship among children in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, inspired by the Harry Potter novels. The full text of the article can be found at Unfortunately the widely quoted article was a spoof or hoax first published in the United States in a satirical paper, The Onion. The Onion's website, giving an indication of the type of report the publication produces, can be found at
The American news site CNN posted an article on January 1, 2001, dealing with a Community Church group in New Mexico that staged a public burning of Harry Potter books. This action was opposed by other citizens of the town who objected to what they saw as an attack on freedom of thought and expression. The article can be found at
On November 1, 1999, the New York Times published an article titled, 'Don't give us little wizards, the anti-Potter parents cry'. The article was written by Jodi Wilgoren and outlines the opposition of some American parents to the reading of J K Rowling's books within United States elementary schools. The position of educators who support the books is also reported. The article can be found at
The American online publication, SpeakOut.Com, publishes articles canvassing popular issues. On June 15, 2000, it published an article titled, 'Should schools ban Harry Potter for promoting witchcraft?' The article outlines both sides of the ban question, giving a slightly stronger emphasis to the pro Harry Potter position. It can be found at
A video has been produced criticising the Harry Potter books as sources of witchcraft and for encouraging disrespect for authority. The video titled, 'Harry Potter, witchcraft revisited' is primarily intended to be used by church groups seeking to warn their congregations of the dangers said to be inherent in J K Rowling's books. On the website promoting the video is an overview of five major reasons for opposing the books. This can be found at
The American Atheist Online, a publication of American Atheist Inc, has produced an article defending the Harry Potter books against accusations that they promote paganism. The article is titled, 'A pagan opinion about Harry Potter' and can be found at
On November 30, 1999, The New York Times published a critical overview of the Harry Potter stories titled, 'The Reality of the Fantasy in the Harry Potter Stories.' The article's author, Richard Bernstein, suggests the emotional and psychological needs meet by folk tales and novels such as J K Rowling's. The article can be found at
On July 2, 2000, The New York Times published another article dealing with the Harry Potter publishing phenomena. The article suggests that the extreme popularity of the books and the heated promotion surrounding the more recent in the series may either detract or distracted from their hopefully more enduring literary value. The article is titled, 'The End of Innocence' and was written by A O Scott. It can be found at
Arguments suggesting the Harry Potter phenomenon has been damaging to children 1. The merchandising of the Harry Potter stories and characters is commercial exploitation of children It has been claimed that using popular aspects of children's culture to encourage them to purchase products is exploitative. According to this line of argument, children are not yet discriminating consumers, able to appreciate the monetary value of particular items. Critics note that products bearing Harry Potter logos are sold at a much higher price than similar items without the logo. In a Sunday Times article reproduced in The Australian on November 26, 2001, it was stated, 'The Potter imprint can almost double the price of an item. Leading British store chain Marks & Spencer sells Potter pyjamas for an 11 year old for 21 pound. A similar pair of pyjamas without Harry's image is 12 pound.' Guy Rundle, in an article published in The Age on November 17, 2001, has stated, 'The child is the ideal consumer - indeed, he or she is the only consumer upon whom advertising really works because the adult imagination, buffeted by thousands of hours of hype, is now semiotic scar tissue. The child still believes ... hence the unrelenting energy of "pester power". Adults feel unable to win against it because they have long since lost the power to desire anything that much ...'
2. The extreme popularity of the Harry Potter stories and the extent of their commercial reach undermines children's originality and creativity It has been suggested that cultural phenomena as wide-reaching as the Harry Potter books, film and merchandise reduce children's capacity to create an imaginative world of their own. According to this line of argument that creative power of the child's imagination is superseded by the world created by authors such as J K Rowling. It is further claimed that when films and other merchandise such as toys and logo-bearing products extend the impact of such books, then children are in even greater danger of losing the ability to create their own fantasy worlds. Guy Rundle makes this point in an article published in The Age on November 17, 2001. Mr Rundle states, 'Some people worry that the spread of such toys, with their highly defined and pre-imagined character, limits children's ability to make their own imaginary worlds, to build stories from scratch. Some educational practice, such as Steiner schools, ban such toys from their schools for that reason.'
3. The Harry Potter stories are opposed to the teachings of the Bible as they promote witchcraft and the occult Some Christian critics have claimed that the Harry Potter books show their young characters dealing in witchcraft and other practices that they believe are contrary to Bible teachings and are likely to damage the moral development of young people. The Nunawading Adventist College has banned the Harry Potter novels from its school library on this basis. The school's chaplain, Sue Beament, has claimed that the Potter books 'were riddled with immoral messages and encourage an unhealthy interest in witchcraft.' "It is opposed to the Bible teaching and we represent a Christian school with a Christian education,' Ms Beament has stated. Ms Beament has claimed that the books have a particularly capacity to influence children because they make witchcraft appear to be fun. The school has claimed that the ban was supported by its students, especially that in grades 5 and 6, who in classroom discussions had apparently come to the conclusion that the Potter books were morally damaging.
4. The Harry Potter stories encourage disrespect for adult authority Mrs Jean Mack, principal of the Nunawading Adventist Primary School, has stated, 'I am concerned that (in the books) adults are held up to ridicule and children have power over them.' According to those who hold this view it is undesirable that adults, especially adult authority figures, should be presented in a bad light and prevailed over by children. Those who find this concerning believe that such depictions may encourage young people to hold adults in disregard.
5. The Harry Potter books show children using violence Some critics of the Harry Potter books have criticised them because they expose children to potentially disturbing images. It is noted, for example, that Harry Potter's parents are killed and that his life is threatened. Opponents of the novels are also concerned that the novels suggest that violence can be confronted by violence. These critics maintain that the supposedly moral message of the novels is undermined because Harry and his friends use violence in their attempts to combat their enemies.
6. Many children find it difficult to distinguish between fantasy and reality and so may be in danger of modelling their behaviour on that of the child characters in the Harry Potter series Critics of the books claim that it is not sufficient to defend them by claiming that they are works of fantasy and therefore unlikely to exert a serious influence on young children. These critics argue that a work of fiction can be extremely powerful and can have a formative impact on those who experience it. They further argue that children are relatively unsophisticated and so are in a poor position to distinguish between fantasy and reality. They claim that this is one of the reasons why censorship regulations of all kinds make particular efforts to try to protect children. Finally, some critics of the Harry Potter books argue that the 'its only make-believe' defence is in fact inaccurate. They argue that the supernatural powers to which the books allude are in fact real and that children should not be encouraged to dabble in them. Mrs Jean Mack, the principla of the Nunawading Adventist Primary School, has stated, 'Some people say they are fantasy works, but they open a door to the spirit world. I have seen the spirit world at work in the Pacific Islands ... it is real and it is scary.'
Arguments suggesting the Harry Potter phenomenon has been beneficial for children 1. Consumerism brings advantages to both economies and individuals It has been claimed that the Harry Potter merchandising phenomena has contributed significantly to economic stability in a number of countries. Comsec chief economist Craig James described Harry Potter as a 'very useful distraction from all the doom and gloom that is around.' 'Children are a major driver of the amount of spending that goes into the economy,' Mr James said. It has been claimed that retail spending is an important element of national economies, contributing to employment and general economic prosperity. To the extent that Harry Potter products have boosted retail spending, it is claimed that they have been of benefit to a number of economies, including Australia's. ANZ chief economist, Saul Eslake, has stated that retail sales account for about 23 per cent of GDP, and were central to maintaining Australia's economic growth at the projected 3 per cent. It has also been claimed that the terms under which Rowling agreed to have Harry Potter products franchised were intended to help preserve the integrity of her characters and to require the sponsoring companies to do some social good in return for being able to use the Harry Potter name. In a bid to reduce the impression of flagrant product endorsement by Harry Potter characters, the Harry Potter characters are never to be seen drinking Coca-Cola. (The Coca-Cola Company paid $296.3 million for sole rights to a global marketing campaign.) Coca-Cola has also promised to fund broad-based reading initiatives over the next few years in communities where the company does business. This includes in the Australian outback.
2. Children can incorporate the characters of the Harry Potter books into their own imaginative lives Guy Rundle has made this point in an article published in The Age on November 17, 2001. Mr Rundle states 'there is no clear evidence of ... a decay in the imagination [rather] ... children use these toys (like those of the Harry Potter characters) as raw material to make new stories and extend the worlds and contexts of the characters.' Those who hold this view argue that products such as the Harry Potter stories and associated items can extend the imaginative world of children, giving them additional materials to draw on when framing their own fantasy worlds.
3. The Harry Potter stories promote positive values and help children develop a moral sense The Age, in an editorial published on November 25, 2001, stated, 'Rowling [has] written fantasies in which an unassuming hero faces his own fear and, in so doing, conquers evil.' The editorial suggests that this is a valuable message for both children and adults. It claims that the popularity of Rowling's books is in part due to this positive message. Andrew Bolt made a similar claim in an article published in The Herald Sun on December 6, 2001. Mr Bolt that the Potter novels are, 'Telling children in a make-believe way of the evil they will confront, and how it can be overcome through hope and virtue.' Bryan Patterson, who publishes a column in the Herald Sun titled Faithworks, has expressed a similar view. Bryan Patterson writes, 'Despite what you may have heard, many Christian leaders have publicly said the like the Harry Potter books ... Harry, they say, portrays courage, loyalty and self-sacrifice in a self-centred world.'
4. Children are capable of distinguishing fantasy worlds from reality This point was made by Mr William James in a letter published in the Age on November 27, 2001. Mr James wrote, 'I disagree with those who fear the influence of the Harry Potter books. Children have always been exposed to tales of magic and most seem quite capable of distinguishing fact from fiction. There is little evidence of their being led in occult activities as a result of exposure to such literature.'
5. The Harry Potter series have encouraged children to read Christopher Bantick, a Melbourne writer, made this point in an article published in The Age on November 28, 2001. Mr Bantick states, 'Harry Potter, far from being banned, should be celebrated. He has done what millions of research dollars ... have failed to do - get children reading ... Conservative figures put the number of children who have read at least one of the four Harry Potter books at somewhere between 70 million and 100 million - in 49 languages and across 110 countries ... Time may show that J.K. Rowling has done more to get a generation of children reading and involved with books than any parent, librarian or teacher could ever hope to achieve; that her creation, Harry Potter, has motivated more children to open a book today than at any other time in history.'
6. Those who argue that the Harry Potter series opposes Christian values are adopting an inconsistent position It has been claimed that many of the criticisms made by some Christian groups about the Harry Potter series could equally be levelled at other accepted aspects of popular culture, including Bible stories and other elements of Christianity. Marc Breault, in a letter published in The Age on November 27, 2001, noted that the Bible 'contains material that many would deem unfit for children. In one biblical story ... a concubine (a second wife) is gang-raped and murdered.' Mr Breault also notes that 'The Christmas holiday has its origins in non-Christian rituals, which include, among other things, divination, witchcraft and human sacrifices.' Mr Breault concludes that to endorse Bible studies and the celebration of Christmas in December and then condemn books such as the Harry Potter series because of their supposed promotion of witchcraft and other undesirable values is inconsistent. James Nevein made a similar point in a letter also published in The Age on November 27, 2001. Mr Nevein states, 'If the Seventh Day Adventist Church truly believes in banning books of "bad influence" such as Harry Potter, then perhaps it should also consider banning those parts of the Bible that, if literally interpreted, endorse genocide, support slavery and encourage discrimination against women, gays and lesbians.'
Further implications Debate surrounding the impact of the Harry Potter books, film and other materials seems likely to continue, at least while the material continues to retain its remarkable popularity. J K Rowling proposes to write a further three novels, taking her young protagonist to the age of 18. The first four novels have been the engine of the marketing phenomenon that has grown up around them. Had these novels not enjoyed such huge popularity the film based on the first novel would not have been the commercial success it currently seems likely to become. Further, companies such a s Coca Cola and Mattel would not have paid huge sums for advertising rights and product rights. It is Harry Potter's 100 million strong worldwide readership that lies at the heart of all the interest that associated materials have created. J K Rowling's work is virtually unique in having become almost an instant classic and in attracting an enormous readership across the globe. If Rowling's work continues to enjoy this level of success then the opinions of the works' critics are likely to remain relatively unimportant. If the next three books in the series do not retain their appeal and if sales of the current novels begin to either plateau or fall then the level of commercial interest will also fall. Given the long lead in time in the production of a film, then at least the second Harry Potter film is likely to be completed. The third film's completion would be more problematic. It seems all but inevitable that the current popular obsession with Harry Potter will wane, however, at least the first four books seem likely to survive. The initial novel achieved great success without a huge advertising apparatus behind it. This suggests that the appeal of the novels is their intrinsic merit, rather than their promotion. Only time will tell if the novels are of sufficient quality to attract a readership beyond its present one.
Sources The Age 17/11/01 page 1 (Saturday Extra section) analysis by Guy Rundle, 'Story selling' 24/11/01 page 3 news item, 'Potter "witchcraft" in school ban' 24/11/01 page 8 analysis by Philippa Hawker, 'Proof of the Potter is in the watching' 25/11/01 page 14 editorial, 'Hobbits, wizards and a bag of gold' 27/11/01 page 14 letter from Marc Breault, 'If you can ban Harry, why not Christmas?' 27/11/01 page 14 letter from William James, 'Self-righteous fury masks intolerance' 27/11/01 page 14 letter to the editor from James Nevein under the heading 'Potter' 28/11/01 page 15 comment by Christopher Bantick, 'Harry's a force for good. Why ban him?'
The Australian 24/11/01 page 3 analysis by Jamie Walker, 'Hogwarts Inc casts economic spell' 24/11/01 page 3 news item by Nicole Strahan, 'Harry expelled from school, for God's sake' 24/11/01 page 4 (Review section) analysis by Peter Martin, 'Rowling stock' 26/11/01 page 3 news item, 'Harry's billions making JK "bigger than Shakespeare"'
The Herald Sun 25/11/01 page 43 (Extra section) analysis by Bryan Appleyard, 'The making of a boy wizard' 25/11/01 page 71 comment by Bryan Patterson, 'A touch of evil can be a revelation' 26/11/01 page 15 news item by Leigh Paatsch, 'Hollywood wizardry' 26/11/01 page 15 news item by Luke Dennehy, 'At first sight, Harry lives up to hype' 6/12/01 page 21 comment by Andrew Bolt, 'Harry's fine lesson'