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Sections in this issue outline (in order):
1. What they said. 2 The issue at a glance. 3 Background. 4 Internet information links. 5 and 6 Arguments for / against. 7 Further implications on this issue. 8 Newspaper items used in the compilation of the outline.
Should Santa Claus be banned at kindergartens and childcare centres?
What they said ...
'In a community-based kindergarten I think religion shouldn't be part of the curriculum'
Dannie Dupleix, pre-school support services manager of Kindergarten Parents Victoria
'We should encourage children to appreciate all cultures and religions, rather than suppressing any'
Herald Sun editorial published on November 28, 2002
The issue at a glance
On November 28, 2002, it was reported that a small number of Victorian kindergartens and childcare centres had banned visits from Santa Claus in deference to the views of children from families with non-Christian, non-Western backgrounds.
This created a significant media reaction. It was the topic of significant protest on talkback radio and on the letters pages of Victorian newspapers. A number of newspaper editorials and commentators also expressed their views. The overwhelming response to the ban was critical. The Victorian Opposition leader, Robert Doyle, tried to make it a political issue in the lead-up to the state election, declaring that the Bracks' Labor government was in some way responsible for the ban. Though the Premier did not intervene in the matter he made it clear that he would like to see Santa Claus continue to visit the centres.
Interestingly, spokespeople for the minority groups whose sensibilities were supposedly being protected by the ban were also opposed to it.
The ban, however, continued in some crŠches and kindergartens and was defended by a spokesperson for Kindergarten Parents Victoria.
(The following is a significantly edited version of an account of the origin of the Santa Claus figure that can be found on the Urban Legends Reference Pages.)
Santa Claus is perhaps the most remarkable of all the figures associated with Christmas. For most people living in Western cultures, Santa has become an essential part of Christmas celebrations, however, the modern image of Santa did not develop until well into the 19th century.
Despite claims to the contrary, Santa Claus was not the result of a literary creation, Clement Clarke Moore's 1822 poem, 'Twas the night before Christmas'. Nor was Father Christmas a commercial invention of the Coca Cola company, though the red-suited, white-bearded figure we know today was popularised by a series of Coca Cola advertisements created by American commercial illustrator, Haddon Sundblom, and begun in the early 1930s as a winter promotion for the drink.
Santa Claus was an evolutionary creation, brought about by the fusion of two religious personages (St. Nicholas and Christkindlein, the Christ child) to become a fixed image that is now arguably the paramount symbol of the secular Christmas celebration.
Internet information
Snopes Urban Legends Reference Pages is an interesting site presenting detailed information debunking a number of popularly accepted fallacies. Some of the 'urban legends' it looks at are those surrounding the supposed origins of the Santa Claus figure. The site's treatment of Father Christmas, though somewhat American-focused, is clear and informative. It begins at
The Urban Legends index page, which will allow you to access the site's treatment of other urban myths, can be found at
Another very useful site giving information about the origin of many aspects of contemporary Christmas celebrations is the History Channel. This site gives a wide variety of historical information in a clear and accessible manner. Its home page can be found at
Perhaps the best way into the site is to go to the index of its 'exhibits'. This can be found at
The site's treatment of 'The Evolution of Santa Claus' can be found at
On November 28, 2002, Australia's Prime Minister, Mr John Howard, made a statement indicating his support of continuing to include the figure of Santa Claus in this country's Christmas celebrations. A report of the Prime Minister's comments can be found at
In 1997, Pauline Hanson, then the leader of the political party, One Nation, issued a press statement criticising those who sought to have Santa Claus banned. Ms Hanson's remarks are largely a peal for cultural uniformity and an attack on multiculturalism. The full text of this press statement can be found at
In 2002, George Glanville, the principal of Blacktown's Tyndale Christian School, told the students of his school that Santa Claus was not real. Mr Glanville stated, 'Tyndale is a parent-controlled Christian school. At Tyndale we want our children to enjoy the pretend story of Santa Claus, but most of all we want our children to enjoy ... the true story of Christmas, that is, the story of Jesus.'
Mr Glanville's views were reported in the Daily Telegraph on December 3, 2002. A copy of this report can be found at
Arguments in favour of banning Santa Claus
1. Santa Claus is part of the Christian tradition and is out of place in a multicultural society
Critics of Santa Claus being present at public facilities such as child-care centres, kindergartens and pre-schools argue that this promotes a particular Christian tradition which is not endorsed by the families of children who do not have a Christian background.
According to this line of argument, as Father Christmas derives from two Christian sources - St. Nicholas, a third century Turkish monk revered for his piety and kindness, and the Christ child or Christkindlein figure, a divine gift-giver who was part of the German and Swiss Christmas tradition - it is not appropriate that Father Christmas be part of the end of year festivities for those children whose families are non-Christian. Children whose families follow a different faith, such as Judaism or Islam, may, it is feared, be confused or offended if a contrary tradition is presented to them.
Some argue that it is inappropriate in a multicultural society effectively to promote one set of traditions over another. This is claimed to be particularly the case where community or state run facilities appear to be endorsing a particular religious tradition. Parents should be able to expect that their particular beliefs will be respected to the extent that their children will not be required to take part in religious practices that they do not share.
This position has been put by Dannie Dupleix, the pre-school support services manager of Kindergarten Parents Victoria, who has stated, 'In a community-based kindergarten I think religion shouldn't be part of the curriculum.'
2. Santa Claus is a commercial product
There are those who argue, often from a Christian perspective, that Santa Claus or Father Christmas should be banned because he is not really part of the Christian tradition.
According to this line of argument, Christmas is about commemorating and celebrating Christ's birth, and Father Christmas is inappropriate because he is essentially designed to boost the sale of presents to children. It is claimed that within Western society Christmas is now much more a consumer fest and marketing extravaganza than it is a religious celebration and it is further claimed that Santa Claus is a key part of this commercial emphasis.
This position was outlined in an editorial published in The Age on December 25, 2002. The editorial states, 'Those who see [Santa Clause a commercial product] ... claim that he is a marketing vehicle created by the Coca Cola company ...'
3. The consumerism Santa Claus promotes disadvantages children from poor families
Father Christmas is an encouragement to children to state what they would like as Christmas presents and to believe that these gifts can be received at no expense to their parents. The child consumerism promoted by the Santa Claus fantasy is the target of an opinion piece by Terry Brown published in The Herald Sun on November 30, 2002. Mr Brown asks, 'How do you tell a five-year-old that Santa Claus isn't made of money?'
It has been argued that this situation leads to inevitable disappointment and distress for children from poor families as their expectations are not likely to be meet.
This position has been put by Dannie Dupleix, the pre-school support services manager of Kindergarten Parents Victoria, who has stated that 'as many poor families cannot afford to celebrate Christmas, inviting Santa would simply be rubbing kids noses in their poverty.'
4. Santa Claus can be replaced by an entertaining but culturally neutral figure such as a clown
A number of the child care centres and kindergartens who decided to ban visits from Father Christmas have arranged to hold an end-of-year party at which there will be a clown. Included in these is the Croydon childcare centre run by the Swinburne University of Technology. The aim of such centres is to allow the children to have a pleasant time at the year's end but to do so without offending the cultural sensitivities of any of those who attend the centres.
A worker at St Andrew's kindergarten in Clifton Hill has stated, 'The majority of the families do celebrate Christmas but there are a few families who don't, so we have decided to have an end-of-year party instead of a Christmas party.'
5. Those parents who want their children to experience Santa Claus can make private arrangements
It has been argued that children who attend centres where there will be no visit from Santa Claus have not been disadvantaged as their parents can make other arrangements if they want their children to experience this aspect of the Christmas festivities.
A worker at St Andrew's kindergarten in Clifton Hill has indicated that although there would be no Father Christmas or Christmas break-up party at the kindergarten, most children who attended the kindergarten would celebrate Christmas at home.
Dannie Dupleix, the pre-school support services manager of Kindergarten Parents Victoria, has stated, 'There are Santas in the supermarket, Santas on the street corner, Santas everywhere ...' The implication would appear to be that if parents wish their children to continue to believe in and experience Father Christmas it is not necessary for child care centres and kindergartens to co-operate as parents have many other opportunities to perpetuate this particular Christmas tradition.
Arguments in favour of retaining Santa Claus
1. Santa Claus does not offend cultural minorities
A number of spokespeople for religious minorities in Victoria have indicated that the groups they represent are not offended by the celebration of Christmas, nor by the presence of Father Christmas in child care centres or kindergartens. A number of representatives of such groups have acknowledged that Christmas celebrations, including Father Christmas, are an established tradition within Australian soviety which they accept and are not disturbed by.
Roland Jabbour, the chairman of the Australian Arabic Council, has stated, 'Santa's part of the Australian way of life. We don't know how such a thing could be offensive.' Graham Leonard, the president of the Jewish Community Council, has put a similar view. Mr Leonard has claimed, 'We're all about celebrating diversity, not repressing it.'
2. Santa Claus is in keeping with the Christian message
It has been claimed that the commercial origins and significance of Santa Claus have been overstated.
Though the Coca Cola company used a red-suited, white-bearded Santa Claus as part of its winter promotions from the beginning of the 1930s it is not accurate to attribute the creation and popularisation of this figure to the company's advertising campaigns and the work of its commercial illustrator, Haddon Sundblom. A very similar figure had become popular in the United States since the mid 1800s, while the origin of the figure goes back to two Christian sources - St. Nicholas, a third century Turkish monk revered for his piety and kindness, and the Christ child or Christkindlein figure, a divine gift-giver who was part of the German and Swiss Christmas tradition.
Numerous commentators have noted that the generosity promoted by the gift-giving Father Christmas is a suitable emblem for a period in the Christian calendar honouring the generosity and self-sacrifice of God made man.
The Age editorial of December 25, 2002, stated, 'An anonymous gift giver whose gift brings with it a sense that the world has been transformed for the better [is] not a bad symbol of hope in any culture ...'
3. Multiculturalism should not be about the elimination of difference
There are those who argue that multiculturalism is about the acceptance of cultural differences, not their elimination.
Dr Ceridwen Spark, a research associate at the School of Political and Social Inquiry, Monash University, has made this point. Dr Spark claims, 'Doing away with difference does not achieve equality; it just makes things bland and meaningless. Indeed, research has shown that the most harmonious societies are those that allow differences to flourish.'
A similar point was made in an editorial published in The Herald Sun on November 28, 2002. The editorial states, 'Australia's multicultural success has been built on a tolerance and respect for each religion or ethnic group being able to freely, proudly and peacefully practise its customs ... We should encourage children to appreciate all cultures and religions, rather than suppressing any.'
4. Santa Claus and other Christmas traditions are an important part of Australia's cultural identity
This point has been made by a variety of commentators. The Herald Sun in its editorial of November 28, 2002, stated, 'Christmas and its rituals, including Santa Claus, are a cherished part of Australian culture and identity.'
Frank Collins made a similar point in a letter published in The Herald Sun on November 30, 2002. Mr Collins states, 'The banning of Christmas celebrations at kindergartens is totally against the Australian culture and our way of life.'
5. Children value and enjoy Santa Claus
It has been claimed that Santa Claus should not be removed from kindergartens and crŠches as he brings a great deal of enjoyment to children.
The Victorian premier, Steve Bracks, has supported the retention of visits from Father Christmas to kindergartens and childcare centres. He has stated, 'We would hope that common sense would prevail because all children love Santa.'
Gary Cockinaras made a similar point in a letter published in The Herald Sun on November 30, 2002. Mr Cockinaras stated, 'The majority of children must not be deprived of the excitement, fun and laughter associated with Santa Claus.'
The Herald Sun in its editorial of November 28, 2002, also stated, 'Fear over offending a minority of parents means the majority of little ones are deprived of the joyous thrill of a visit from the big, jolly man in the red suit.'
Further implications
It is interesting to note that the banning of Father Christmas by a number kindergartens and childcare centres does not seem to have been in response to complaints made by families with non-Christian backgrounds. Spokespeople from the Australian Arabic Council and the Jewish Community Council have been quick to indicate that their respective communities are not troubled by Australia's mainstream tradition of Christmas celebrations, including Santa Claus. Similarly, a significant proportion of the callers to 3AW's talk back host Neil Mitchell who supported the Santa Claus tradition were from non-Christian, non-Western cultures.
It would appear that the childcare administrators who have banned Father Christmas might be suffering from an excess of zeal. Their intentions are doubtless good but their actions appear to have been a little premature. It is hard to know whether visits from Santa Claus actually give offence to families with non-Christian belief systems. If they are offended they appear to have the wit not to say so.
One of the unfortunate side effects of the banning of Father Christmas at some crŠches and kindergartens is that it has feed the xenophobia of those white Anglo Saxon Australians who see themselves as a persecuted majority in their own country.
Pauline Hanson's One Nation website published many of her press releases. One of these was a 1997 response to the banning of Father Christmas in some South Australian childcare centres. Ms Hanson commented, 'The disgusting action of minority groups in South Australia applauding the ban on Santa Claus is just the beginning, just the thin edge of the wedge - Australians must see this is only the start. Anything Australian that does not fit in with different cultures is a target for elimination. Given any chance, these extremists will encourage the supporters of multicultural policies to liquidate public reference and celebration of Easter, Christmas and even Australia Day and ANZAC Day.
We have extended our generosity to people from all over the world and welcomed them with open arms yet rather than be grateful, many abuse what we have given them. Not only are we expected to accept the many cultural conflicts being caused by multicultural policies that highlight division and difference and discourage assimilation, but these people whom we gave new hope now repay our generosity by expecting us to change our ways to fit in with theirs.'
A number of the recent letters to the editor published in Victorian papers reflect views similar to Ms Hanson's. Judith White wrote in a letter published in The Herald Sun on November 30, 2002, 'How many other cultures change their ways to accommodate our traditions? None.' While Frank Collins observed in a letter published in the same paper on the same day, 'What is happening to our great country? We must assimilate or perish.'
Caution needs to be exercised in applying any policy which seems to favour minority views over those of the mainstream as such policies have the capacity to feed the very intolerance they are seeking to remove. It would appear that most minority groups are aware of this and are prepared to accommodate mainstream Australian cultural practices. A more positive approach on the part of kindergartens and crŠches would be to incorporate some of the cultural practices of children from non-Christian, non-European backgrounds into their round of annual festivities and commemorations.
The Age
17/12/02 page 15 comment by Ceridwen Spark, 'We don't have to make a clown out of Father Christmas'
25/12/02 page 8 editorial, 'Ho, ho, ho always beats bah, humbug'
The Australian
3/12/02 page 11 comment by Angela Shanahan, 'And a little child shall need him'
The Herald Sun
28/11/02 page 3 news item by Nikki Protyniak et al, 'Kinders slap ban on Santa'
28/11/02 page 20 editorial, 'Ho, ho, ho ... humbug'
29/11/02 page 4 news item by Nadia Miraudo, 'Santa ban spreads'
30/11/02 page 30 letter from Judith L White, 'Tolerance too one-sided'
30/11/02 page 30 letter from B Burgess, 'Ban offends many people'
30/11/02 page 30 letter from A Holt, 'Don't pander to minority'
30/11/03 page 30 letter from Gary Cockinaras, 'Children need Santa fun'
30/11/02 page 30 five letters under the heading, 'Santa sacking a silly season ruling'
30/11/02 page 32 comment by Terry Brown, 'Santa's on call for kids'
3/12/02 page 18 comment by Matthew Pinkney, 'Santa's empty sacking'