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2008/08: Are the Melbourne Zoo and the Healesville Sanctuary caring properly for the animals in their charge?<BR>

Are the Melbourne Zoo and the Healesville Sanctuary caring properly for the animals in their charge?

What they said ...
'It's about time the whole issue of wildlife and cruelty were sorted out. Australian animals need to be protected rather than gawked at'
President of the RSPCA, Dr Hugh Wirth

'I have complete confidence in the zoos that we run in this state. They have a very high level of concern for the animals in their care and I think they do a great job and our zoos are renowned around the world'
The Premier of Victoria, Mr John Brumby

The issue at a glance
At the end of January, 2008, the Victorian Government demanded an explanation from Zoos Victoria about allegations of abuse and neglect of animals at Melbourne Zoo and Healesville Sanctuary.
On January 21, spokesperson for the Environment Minister, Gavin Jennings, confirmed the minister had asked the zoo for a response to the allegations and planned to discuss them at an upcoming meeting.
Mr Jennings is also considering an RSPCA request for a public inquiry into the management of zoos in Victoria. The spokesperson said the Minister wanted to hear from the zoo before deciding on any further action.
Zoos Victoria has publicly defended itself against the allegations, but not to the satisfaction of animal welfare groups such as the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA).

Zoos Victoria is comprised of the Melbourne Zoo, the Werribee Open Range Zoo and the Healesville Sanctuary.
The Werribee Open Range Zoo accommodates rhinoceros, giraffes, zebras, cheetah and lions in a wide, open savannah. The Zoo also accommodates zebra, vervet monkeys, ostriches and waterbuck. In addition it gives visitors a chance to move among a range of Australian animals, including emus, brolgas, wallabies and kangaroos.
The Melbourne Zoo has more than 300 species of animals from all over the world.
The Healesville Sanctuary accommodates more than 200 species of Australian wildlife on 30 hectares of bushland.
Zoos Victoria also offers school students and teachers a range interactive learning opportunities. The Experiences and Learning team deliver educational programs for schools at Melbourne Zoo, Werribee Open Range Zoo and Healesville Sanctuary. It is intended that a zoo learning program can be used as a springboard for actions back at school or home and introduce environmental sustainability topics.

Melbourne Zoo is Australia's oldest zoo and was modelled on London Zoo. The zoo was opened on the Royal Park site of 55 acres (22 hectares) in 1862 on land donated by the City of Melbourne. Before this, animals were housed at the botanical gardens in Melbourne.
Initially the zoo was important for the acclimatisation of domestic animals recovering from their long trip to Australia. It was only with the appointment of Albert Alexander Cochrane Le Souef in 1870 that more exotic animals were procured for public display, and the gardens and picnic areas were developed.
Visitors can see historical cages including the heritage listed Elephant House, which has been renovated and adapted for use for customers paying to sleep overnight in tents at the zoo in popular Roar and Snore evenings. These evenings allow the public to see some of the nocturnal animals at the zoo in evening guided tours by keepers. One of the most famous exhibits was Queenie the elephant.
Many of the animals are now organised in bioclimatic zones: African rainforest featuring gorillas, mandrills, pigmy hippos and parrots; Asian Rainforest with tigers and otters; and the Australian Bush with koala, kangaroos, emus, echidnas and endangered hairy nose wombats. Popular exhibits also include the Butterfly house, the great flight aviary and the Trail of the Elephants. Melbourne Zoo recently obtained three new Asian Elephants from Thailand amidst much controversy regarding their safety and well-being.
The zoo comprises a large schools section and caters for many school visitors annually.
The Zoological Board of Victoria administers the Melbourne Zoo, as well as the Werribee Open Range Zoo which features herbivorous creatures in an open range setting; and Healesville Sanctuary on 175 hectares of bushland exhibiting Australian fauna.
(Most of the above information comes from the Wikipedia entry on the Melbourne Zoo. The full text of this entry can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melbourne_Zoo

Internet information
Zoos Victoria's Internet site can be found at http://www.zoo.org.au/
Here details of the philosophy of the captive animal facilities, the community services they provide and the animals they exhibit can be found. The site gives details on the Melbourne Zoo, the Healesville Sanctuary and the Werribee Open Range Zoo.

The conservation and scientific objectives of Zoos Victoria can be found at http://www.zoo.org.au/conservation/

The text of the New South Wales Exhibited Animals Protection Act can be found at

In New Zealand there is a zoos' code of conduct similar to that envisaged by the New South Wales Exhibited Animals Protection Act. A draft of the New Zealand code can be found at ANIMAL WELFARE (ZOOS) CODE OF WELFARE 2004 REPORT at http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/files/animal-welfare/codes/animal-exhibit/animal-exhibit-report.pdf

At the 2007 RSPCA Australia Scientific Seminar held in February, Peter Stroud of Peter Stroud Services, presented a paper titled, 'Defining issues of space in zoos'
This paper gave an historical overview of the space issues effecting animals kept in captivity, looking especially at the treatment of elephants.
The full text of this article can be found at http://www.rspca.org.au/events/Seminars07_Paper_Stroud.pdf

At the same RSPCA Australia Scientific Seminar Professor Christine Nicol, School of Veterinary Science, University of Bristol, presented a paper titled, 'Space time and unassuming animals' The paper attempts to establish the actual space requirements of a range of captive animals and argues that the allowance normally made for them is inadequate. The full text of the article cane be found at http://www.rspca.org.au/events/Seminars07_Paper_Nicol.pdf

Also at the RSPCA Australia Scientific Seminar Matthew Crane, Leader, Exhibited Animals, NSW Department of Primary Industries, presented a paper titled, 'Without the wisdom of Solomon or his ring: Setting standards for exhibited animals'
The paper examines the progress that has been made toward developing a number of standards to help regulate the animal exhibition industry, to improve the industry's professionalism and to satisfy society's desire for exhibited animals to be cared for appropriately since the establishment of the Exhibited Animals Protection Act in New South Wales.
The full text of this article can be found at http://www.rspca.org.au/events/Seminars07_Paper_Crane.pdf

The RSPCA's opposition to the exhibition of animals taken directly from the wild and the reasons for this position can be found as part of their policy statement. The information is contained in clause 1.9 which can be read at http://www.rspca.org.au/policy/e.asp#1.9

On September 13, 2006 Online Opinion published an opinion piece by Duncan Graham titled, 'Sending Temara home'. In this article Graham criticises the plan of the Perth zoo to release a 14-year-old female orang-utan into a national park in Sumatra. Graham argues that having been reared in captivity the animal is unfit to survive in the wild.
The full text of the article can be found at http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=4874

Arguments criticising the level of care at the Melbourne Zoo and the Healesville Sanctuary
1. Victoria's zoos and animal sanctuaries are under-regulated
A range of animal welfare groups including Animal Liberation have complained of the lack of regulation of zoos in Victoria. It has been noted that while NSW has the Exhibited Animals Act that covers animals in captivity, Victoria has no equivalent law.
The president of the RSPCA, Dr Hugh Wirth, has noted that regulations exist for domestic and farm animals (cats, dogs, horses, cattle and sheep) but not for zoo animals (elephants, tigers, kangaroos or koalas). Dr Wirth believes that the current inquiry into conditions at the Melbourne Zoo and the Healesville Sanctuary will result in a recommendation that regulations are necessary. Dr Wirth has stated, 'I hope that if for once the Environment Minister actually supports the RSPCA, that inquiry will produce a recommendation.'
Dr Wirth has urged that it is time that zoos, like most industries and organisations, accepted regulation.
Dr Wirth has argued that in the absence of regulation animals are not being well-treated. Referring to the Healesville Sanctuary he has claimed that the sanctuary's management had slipped badly in the past ten years.
'It's about time the whole issue of wildlife and cruelty were sorted out. Australian animals need to be protected rather than gawked at,' Dr Wirth said.

2. The Melbourne Zoo is under-resourced
It has been claimed that the State Government does not adequately fund the Melbourne Zoo or the Healesville Sanctuary and that there is the damaging expectation that the Zoo and the Sanctuary will raise a substantial amount of their operating costs.
Zoos are apparently expected to generate more of their own income than institutions such as museums, galleries and public parks. In Melbourne, admission to the National Gallery is free for adults and children. At the Museum of Victoria it is $6 for adults, children free. Adult entry to the Zoo is $23, children $11.
Zoos Victoria also gets less government support than other Australian zoos, including the larger Taronga Zoo in Sydney. Of Zoos Victoria's total income in 2007, only 24% was from Government grants, down from 37% in 1991. Taronga relied on Government grants for 42% of its income in 2007.
The problem with such a situation is that the Zoo and the Sanctuary are therefore compelled to seek to attract significant numbers of visitors as these visitors make a substantial contribution to operating revenue. However, it has been claimed that this creates difficulties for the Zoo and the Sanctuary. Relatively high admission charges mean that both the Zoo and the Sanctuary have to stage extravaganzas in order to attract visitors and justify their cost of entry.
The Zoo's former strategic planning director, David Hancocks, has claimed that with limited philanthropic support available, the Melbourne Zoo has repeatedly gone to government for capital grants, always arguing that new, exciting exhibits will attract more paying visitors and help make the zoo self-sufficient. Hancocks claims, 'It is a circular logic. This approach for years has led the zoo executive and board down the wrong path.'

3. Melbourne Zoo and the Healesville Sanctuary are run more as businesses than for animal conservation and welfare
Melbourne Zoo has had recent attendance problems. In 2001-2002 its visitor numbers were declining by about 2 % a year. The Zoo has managed to reverse this trend. Inn 2007 more than 1.6 million visitors went to the three zoo venues, a record for the past 15 years. However, it has been claimed, that this has been achieved by running the zoos more as businesses and less as animal welfare establishments.
The management of Melbourne Zoo has been open in its determination to make the zoo more exciting. To this end it has developed the $15 million Trail of the Elephant enclosure, the $6 million orang-utan enclosure and the multimillion-dollar butterfly exhibit. A new $20 million Stories from the Sea marine precinct is also being built. Other proposals being discussed by management and staff include a Cage of Death that would give visitors frighteningly close ringside seats to big cats feeding.
Similar initiatives have been developed at the Healesville Sanctuary. This has resulted in concerns being raised by staff about the welfare of animals and the acquisition of animals by the Sanctuary for marketing and public relations purposes over the past four years.
A parliamentary inquiry was conducted in 2000 into Victoria's animals and plants. It warned in relation to all Victoria's captive animal facilities, 'Commercial requirements to maintain "attractive" animals or provide for "contact" experience may override objectives such as providing representative collections and meeting animal-welfare needs.'
Similarly, the Zoo's former strategic planning director, David Hancocks, has claimed that the new 'bean-counter mentality' has resulted in a narrow focus on attendance figures, rather than animal welfare.

4. Some of the animals at the Melbourne Zoo and the Healesville Sanctuary are inadequately housed
There have been accusations that animals at both the Melbourne Zoo and the Healesville Sanctuary have been kept in inadequate enclosures and that this has resulted in injuries, escapes and deaths.
It has been claimed that veteran gorilla, Rigo, was kept in isolation from other gorillas at the Melbourne Zoo for 16 years in an antiquated enclosure. He was not reintegrated into a group until 2007.
Other enclosure-related accusations have been made about the Melbourne Zoo. It has been claimed that four seals have suffered partial blindness after being moved to a small swimming pool. The eye problems were apparently caused by chlorine in the pool.
It has also been alleged that the eyelids of a Malayan tapir were sewn together because of eye trouble. An inappropriate enclosure that did not supply adequate tree cover and allowed over-exposure to the sun is believed to have contributed to the animal's eye damage.
It has also been claimed that animals have been kept in insecure enclosures. In October 2007 a binturong (a South-East Asian bearcat) escaped despite a staff warning that an escape was likely because the animal had been moved into an empty otter enclosure, considered by many staff to be insecure.
There have also been complaints about the conditions under which animals are kept at the Healesville Sanctuary. It has been claimed that parrots at the sanctuary have been kept in small, 'pet shop-style cages'; that an eclectus parrot was decapitated by a wedge-tailed eagle when they were kept in the same open-flight enclosure and that four feather-tailed gliders died after they escaped their enclosures.

5. A number of animals at both the Melbourne Zoo and the Healesville Sanctuary have been cruelly or inappropriately treated
There have been a number of allegations made about supposedly cruel or inappropriate treatment of animals at the Melbourne Zoo and the Healesville sanctuary.
Dr Wirth, the President of the RSPCA, has referred to the allegation that a trainer at the Melbourne Zoo had stabbed a female elephant a dozen times because he feared being injured when the elephant was backing into him.
A confidential internal memo from zookeeper Bryan Welch to then zoo director Matt Vincent reported the stabbing in May last year of a 13-year-old elephant, Dokkoon, with a marlin spike - a large, needle-like implement used to untie rope knots.
In the memo, Mr Welch says the animal trainer was trying to control the elephant using a hooked implement known as an ankus or bullhook.
'After a time trying to control the elephant, [he] appeared to become extremely angry and used his marlin spike to stab at the elephant's leg repeatedly in excess of a dozen times. The elephants seemed obviously distressed, standing back to back, vocalising and defecating.
In the memo, Mr Welch says use of the marlin spike was 'inappropriate and excessive' and made a second keeper who witnessed it 'physically sick'. In other incidents confirmed by the zoo an escape in October by a binturong (a South-east Asian bearcat) followed a warning by staff that its enclosure was insecure.
It has also been alleged that the eyelids of a Malayan tapir were sewn together because of eye trouble. Lack of tree cover and over-exposure to the sun is believed to have contributed to the animal's eye damage.
Other claims have been made that a silverback gorilla at the Zoo had been kept in isolation for 16 years and that two seals were going blind because of chlorine in their pool.
A number of accusations have also been made about the manner in which animals are managed at the Healesville Sanctuary. These complaints have included the hand-rearing of a red-bellied black cockatoo as a 2006 Commonwealth Games mascot for media opportunities and the removal of several dependent parrot chicks of other varieties against Bureau of Animal Welfare guidelines. There have also been complaints about the housing of parrots in small, "pet shop-style cages"; an eclectus parrot that was decapitated by a wedge-tailed eagle when they were kept in the same open-flight enclosure; four feather-tailed gliders found dead in a bin after they escaped their enclosures; fifteen finches that starved to death and an echidna that was kept in a vehicle and a hotel room as temperatures rose to 30 degrees.

Arguments defending the level of care at the Melbourne Zoo and the Healesville Sanctuary
1. Victoria's zoos provide high quality care for the animals in their charge
Zoos Victoria claims that it provides the best possible care for the animals in its charge.
On its Internet site Zoos Victoria claims, 'Zoos Victoria maintains the highest standard of animal welfare and care across all three properties and would never compromise animal care or safety.
We are world leaders in care, conservation, environment and education programs.'
Vincent disagrees and insists animals, not money, come first. "Zoos Victoria absolutely has the best interests of the health and welfare of our animals at heart and we would never compromise that."
Zoos Victoria's Zoo acting chief executive Matt Vincent has claimed, 'Zoos Victoria absolutely has the best interests of the health and welfare of our animals at heart and we would never compromise that.'
The Trail of the Elephants enclosure at Parkville has won awards and its Thai village, complete with community hall, colourful roadway kiosk and jungle, is a popular enhancement to visitors' zoo experience.
Zoo Victoria's acting director, Matt Vincent, has also stressed that Victoria's zoos have a program has a policy of ongoing improvement. Therefore, though some of its enclosures are currently less than optimum, they will be improved in the future. Under a long-term plan, all the old enclosures are earmarked for redevelopment, money permitting and some of the current 'collection' of species will no longer be kept at Melbourne as part of a strategy to concentrate on animals from the South-East Asian region.
After the allegations in regard to both the Melbourne Zoo and the Healesville Sanctuary the Victorian Premier, Mr John Brumby, said Environment Minister Gavin Jennings had asked the zoos to respond to the complaints.
However, Mr Brumby told reporters, 'I have complete confidence in the zoos that we run in this state. They have a very high level of concern for the animals in their care and I think they do a great job and our zoos are renowned around the world.'

2. Recent accusations regarding animal mistreatment are either inaccurate or exaggerated
Zoos Victoria has directly refuted many of the accusation made about the quality of animal care at both the Melbourne Zoo and the Healesville Sanctuary. On its Internet site Zoos Victoria states, 'Many of the incidents raised by the "special investigation" in The Age are not accurate and many of the quotes, emails and memos have been distorted out of context to create a sensational story.
An elephant has never been "stabbed" at Melbourne Zoo. An incident involving two elephant keepers did occur. A full and thorough investigation showed that the keepers were at serious risk of injury as an elephant was backing into them. The keeper was found to have taken appropriate action. The elephant was not injured.'
In a Herald Sun report published on the Zoo's acting director, Matt Vincent, noted, 'The incident last May [2007] was reported to management as standard procedure.
A subsequent internal investigation, including elephant experts from the zoo, found the keeper's action was appropriate.
An elephant has never been stabbed at Melbourne Zoo. A full and thorough investigation showed that the keepers were at serious risk of injury as an elephant was backing into them.'
The Internet site claims, 'All animal conditioning is built on positive reinforcement.'
It also states, 'No seals are suffering from blindness. They are being treated for temporary minor ailments that are being complicated by the water filter.'
Further, the Internet site claims, 'Rigo the gorilla has not been kept for 16 years in isolation in an antiquated enclosure. He has received outstanding care and attention by dedicated keepers.'
Separately, a zoo employee told AAP that Rigo, the silverback gorilla, had been in a breeding program for the last six to nine months and was currently in an enclosure with two female gorillas.
Healesville Sanctuary director John Gibbon has acknowledged human error was to blame for a number of incidents revealed in the media, including the decapitation of a parrot by a wedge-tailed eagle and the escape and death of four feather-tailed gliders. Mr Gibbon rejected assertions that animal welfare standards had slipped.
Mr Matt Vincent, the acting director of Zoos Victoria, has said steps had been taken to ensure there would be no repeat of the parrot's decapitation
Regarding the claims regarding the echidna which was taken from the Healesville Sanctuary and subsequently died, Zoos Victoria senior veterinarian Helen McCracken said it was common for keepers to take animals home to maximise care, and the echidna was kept in a climate-controlled container.
Mr Matt Vincent, the acting director of Zoos Victoria, has stated, 'In relation into an independent investigation into Zoos Victoria, we have nothing to hide. Our animals are on display 365 days a year.
In my 18-year career in zoos I have never seen any evidence of cruelty or neglect.
All the staff have been saddened by these allegations about the health and welfare of the animals because their commitment to the animals is internationally renowned.'

3. It is important to zoos' educative role that they attract large numbers of visitors
It has been claimed that attracting significant numbers of visitors is vital to the role of Zoos Victoria. According to this line of argument, zoos can only fulfil their educative function if large numbers of people visit them.
Zoos Victoria's acting chief executive, Matt Vincent, has argued, 'Zoos are the incubators of the conservationists of tomorrow ...What we're trying to do is capture the hearts and minds of the people to get them involved in the long term.'
Mr Vincent has noted that of the 1.6 million visitors to the three zoos last year, 620,000 students were there for formal learning programs.
Zoos Victoria takes particular care to attract young people to its 'learning experiences' and to this end tries to work in closely with Victorian curriculum initiatives such as VELS (Victorian Essential Learning Standards).
On its Internet site Zoos Victoria states, 'Experiences and Learning offer a new way for learners of all ages to go "beyond the classroom". It connects people with animals, inspires curiosity and is vital in setting life-long values and attitudes toward the natural world.
Learning experiences and partnership opportunities will be centred on topics to integrate learning areas and domains of the Victorian Essential Learning Standards.'
Zoos Victoria claims that one of its key aims is to shift popular attitudes, to arouse a strong positive interest in the natural world and to encourage visitors to adopt a pro-active view of the natural world. Put simply, Zoos Victoria argues that people cannot value the natural world unless they are brought into contact with something that closely replicates it.

4. Zoos can function effectively as both businesses and promoters of animal welfare
It has been argued that there is no essentially incompatibility between running a zoo as a successful business and caring well for the animals in its charge.
Zoos Victoria's acting chief executive, Matt Vincent, makes no apology for the zoo becoming 'more accessible' to the community or for its becoming a more successful business undertaking.
Mr Vincent has stated, 'Our vision is to connect people and wildlife together.' Mr Vincent claims that the health of the zoo business is good. 'Of course the more prosperous and healthy we are as a business the more we can reinvest in revitalising the zoo.'
According to this line of argument, the more that Victorias zoo proper financially, the better able they will be to reinvest in improving the quality and the habitats they can provide for the animals in their care. As evidence of this the Melbourne Zoo points to the $15 million that was spent to set up the Trail of the Elephant enclosure. Other recent developments include the $6 million orang-utan enclosure and the multimillion-dollar butterfly exhibit. A new $20 million Stories from the Sea marine precinct is also being set up.

5. Zoos are going to become increasingly necessary over time
Zoos Victoria's Zoo acting chief executive Matt Vincent has argued that zoos will play an ever bigger role in the future in the conservation of a wide range of animal species. Vincent has stressed the world-wide impact of disappearing habitats. This, he claims, will create a necessity for artificially created conservation habitats such as those provided by zoos. Mr Vincent has stated, 'The need to keep animals in captivity will continue to grow and our relevance and value to the community to preserve species, to preserve habitats will increase and strengthen.'
On its Internet site Zoos Victoria notes, 'One in four mammals, one in eight birds, one third of all amphibians and 70% of the world's assessed plants are now in jeopardy according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.'
The site claims, 'Melbourne Zoo, Werribee Open Range Zoo and Healesville Sanctuary are involved with programs and management of threatened and endangered species in partnership with national and international organisations. Thirty percent of the species Zoos Victoria cares for require urgent saving, with classifications ranging from vulnerable to extinct in the wild.
Zoos Victoria's animal collection provides the foundation for all of its activities and plays a vital role in delivering conservation outcomes. The collection contributes directly as part of a breeding program to reintroduce animals to the wild and acts as a "flagship" for nature by highlighting the environmental threats faced by animals and promoting solutions.'
Zoos Victoria has had significant success in the conservation, breeding and wildlife recovery projects with which it is involved. It has been praised in the past for its recovery work with the striped legless lizard. Species in conservation breeding programs at Healesville Sanctuary include orange-bellied parrots, helmeted honeyeaters, brush-tailed rock wallabies, mountain pygmy possums and eastern barred bandicoots. Australian zoos are renowned internationally for their breeding work with Sumatran tigers, a critically endangered sub-species.

Further implications
The Victorian Government has demanded an explanation from Zoos Victoria about allegations of abuse and neglect of animals at Melbourne Zoo and Healesville Sanctuary. It would appear that the explanation is to be made to the Environment Minister, Gavin Jennings, who will then decide whether there should be a further inquiry into the allegations.
Whatever the upshot of the current controversy it appears likely that protests about elements of the zoos' treatment of their charges is likely to continue. Animal conservationists have a number of concerns. Chief among these appear to be the inadequacy of many of the animals' enclosures and the excessive emphasis the zoos supposedly place on promoting the zoos as a business.
Hugh Wirth has argued that what is required is a significant increase in Government funding which Dr Wirth believes would then reduce the imperative for Victoria's zoos to be run with an eye to profit. Given the fair greater proportion of operating revenue that Taronga Zoo receives from the federal government it would appear that Zoos Victoria is relatively under-resourced.
Dr Wirth has also suggested a radical overhaul of accommodation arrangements at Zoos Victoria with the larger non-indigenous species all being relocated to the Werribee Open Range Zoo, while Australian native animals were kept at the Healesville Sanctuary. Dr Wirth believes that only the smaller animals which require less territory should be kept at the Melbourne Zoo.
Dr Wirth has also argued that Zoos Victoria needs to be regulated in the manner New South Wales zoos are under the Exhibited Animals Protection Act.
It seems likely that it will take further animal deaths and accidents before many of the above proposals are likely to be acted on.

Newspaper items used in the compilation of this issue outline
AGE, January 23, page 1, news item by Houston and Millar, `Zoo chief's home became menagerie'.
AGE, January 22, page 3, news item by Millar and Houston, `Animal groups call for inquiry into zoo deaths'.
AGE, January 22, page 12, letters (2), `Zoos and values / To market, to market'.
AGE, January 21, page 1, news item (ref to Victoria's Healesville native fauna Sanctuary) by Houston and Millar, `Native animal deaths prompt claims of neglect at sanctuary'.
AGE, January 21, page 2, news item by Millar and Houston, `Call for zoo handling review'.
HERALD-SUN, January 20, page 8, news item by K Cameron, `Zoo dismisses cruelty claims'.
AGE, January 20, page 2, news item, `Inquiry urged over zoo cruelty claims'.
AGE, January 19, Insight section, page 8, editorial, `Life in a zoo: creature comforts or distress'.
AGE, January 19, Insight section, page 1, analysis by Millar and Houston, `Animal rights & wrongs'.
AGE, January 19, page 1, news item by Millar and Houston, `Zoo rocked by abuse allegations' (see page 2 photos).
AGE, January 25, page 15, comment by RSPCA's Hugh Wirth, `How to help zoo animals'.
AGE, January 25, page 15, comment by Helen McCracken, `A team passionately dedicated to caring for its charges'.