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The Australian cartoon gallery (featuring the cartoons of Bill Leak,
Nicholson and other News Ltd cartoonists)

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VCE students note: for outlines with newspaper items published after September 1, 2012 (and thus suitable for VCE English 2012-2013), look for this symbol at RIGHT of the item.

2012/22: Should animals be used in testing and research?

2012/21: Should Australian parents be compelled to have their children vaccinated?

2012/20: Should NAPLAN tests be abolished?

2012/19: Should Australia ban live animal exports?

2012/18: Does social media, including Facebook, assist in law enforcement?

2012/17: Increasing the use of CCTV: should Australia install more closed circuit TV cameras?

2012/16: Do the Closer magazine photographs violate Prince William and his wife Catherine's right to privacy?

2012/15: Internet shopping: should more online purchases be taxed?

2012/14: Should the Victorian government have declared a temporary moratorium on fracking?

2012/13: should the super trawler, Margiris, be used to fish in Australian waters?

2012/12: is Australia's proposed network of marine parks desirable?

2012/11: should Australian mothers be discouraged from home births?

2012/10: should Australian Rules football introduce helmets?

2012/09: should Australia legalise gay marriage?

2012/08: should low-level, personal drug use be decriminalised?

2012/07: is Western Australia's sex offenders' register a positive development?

2012/06: should culling of sharks be carried out along the Western Australian coast?

2012/05: should tenants have the right to keep pets on rental properties in Australia?

2012/04: should Tasers be issued to general duties police?

2012/03: should Australian parents be prohibited from legally smacking their children?

2012/02: should greater restrictions be placed on elderly drivers?

2012/01: Australian nationals taken hostage: are the policies and actions of the Australian government adequate?