On June 2, 2013 the most recent of a series of arguments was posted on a site titled 'Reasons to Oppose "Medical Marijuana" in Arizona: Vote No on Proposition 203' The site is dedicated to shifting public opinion against a proposal that marijuana be legalised for medical purposes in Arizona. The most recent posting is titled 'Why marijuana legalization is far from inevitable' The site contains a range of arguments against the legalisation of medical marijuana. It can be accessed at http://edgogek.com/ On May 31, 2013, The Inquisitr ran a report titled 'Mayor Bloomberg Says Medical Marijuana Is a Hoax' The report details the mayor's objections to the local legislature's recent decision to legalise the possession and use of small amounts of marijuana for medical purposes. The report can be found at http://www.inquisitr.com/683159/mayor-bloomberg-says-medical-marijuana-is-a-hoax/ On May 30, 2013, The New York Times ran a news report titled 'A New Childhood Hazard: Medical Marijuana'. The report looks at the increase in ingestion of marijuana by young children who accidentally eat medical marijuana products intended for their ill parents or other relatives. The full text of this report can be found at http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/05/30/a-new-childhood-hazard-medical-marijuana/ On May 16, 2013, The Conversation published an opinion piece titled 'Legalising medicinal cannabis is a leap forward for compassion' The comment was written by Dr Alex Wodak AM, former Director of the Alcohol and Drug Service, St. Vincent's Hospital, Sydney (1982-2012) and now an Emeritus Consultant. Dr Alex argues in favour of the legalisation of marijuana possession and use for medical purposes. The full text can be found at http://theconversation.com/legalising-medicinal-cannabis-is-a-leap-forward-for-compassion-14297 On May 15, 2013, the New South Wales Parliament's General Purpose Standing Committee No. 4 released its report and recommendations on 'The use of cannabis for medical purposes'. The full text of this report can be accessed at http://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/Prod/parlment/committee.nsf/0/fdb7842246a5ab71ca257b6c0002f09b/$FILE/Final%20Report%20-%20The%20use%20of%20cannnabis%20for%20medical%20purposes.pdf A summary of the above report and recommendations can be accessed at http://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/Prod/parlment/committee.nsf/0/fdb7842246a5ab71ca257b6c0002f09b/$FILE/Executive%20summary%20and%20recommendations.pdf On April 5, 2013, The Daily Mail ran a report titled 'Most Americans now support legalizing marijuana with one in 10 saying they have used the drug in the last year' The full report can be found at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2304321/Legalize-pot-poll-Most-Americans-support-legalizing-marijuana.html On March 10, 2013, The Sydney Morning Herald published a news report titled 'Medical groups push to make marijuana legal' The report details the support of the Australian Medical Association, the Cancer Council NSW and the Australian Drug Foundation for the medical use of marijuana in certain circumstances. The full text of the report can be found at http://www.smh.com.au/national/health/medical-groups-push-to-make-marijuana-legal-20130309-2fsau.html On February 5, 2013, The Sydney Morning Herald published an opinion piece titled 'Medical marijuana a sensible step back from past paranoia'. The comment was written by Desmond Manderson, an ARC Future Fellow at Australian National University's Humanities Research Centre, and ANU College of Law. It supports the legalisation of marijuana for medical purposes. The full text can be accessed at http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/medical-marijuana-a-sensible-step-back-from-past-paranoia-20130204-2dudm.html On May 10, 2011, the Sudbury Star ran an opinion piece titled 'Don't criminalize medical marijuana'. The piece was written by a chronic pain sufferer asking to be allowed to access the drug legally. The full comment can be accessed at http://www.thesudburystar.com/2011/05/10/dont-criminalize-medical-marijuana ![]() ![]() |