Right: Abortion law reform campaigner Jo Wainer. web links and documentsIn May 2008, the Victorian Law Reform Commission released its report on abortion law in Victoria, including three possible options, for bringing about abortion law reform in Victoria.A summary of these options and an index of different elements of this report can be found at http://www.lawreform.vic.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/Law+Reform/Home/Newsroom/Media+Releases/LAWREFORM+-+Final+Abortion+Report+tabled+%28media+release%29 The text of the Victorian Abortion Law Reform Bill 2008 can be read at http://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/domino/Web_Notes/LDMS/PubPDocs.nsf/ee665e366dcb6cb0ca256da400837f6b/3F1389267C60C2F4CA2574AA00087950/$FILE/561293bi1.doc On September 5, 2008, The Catholic News published an article titled, 'Students attack Vic abortion bill "conscience clause"'. The article argues that the provisions of the conscience clause in the Victorian Abortion Law Reform Bill require medical practioners and others who have a moral objection to abortion to refer a woman requesting an abortion to a practitioner who will provide one. It is claimed that this ignores the original practitioners' moral objections. The full text of this article can be found at http://www.cathnews.com/article.aspx?aeid=8850 A pastoral letter from the Catholic Bishops of Victoria opposing the Abortion Law Reform Bill can be found at http://www.melbourne.catholic.org.au/archbishop/pastoralletters/20080423_PastoralLetter_Abortion.pdf Women's Health Victoria is an independent Victorian state-wide women's health promotion organisation. Their Internet site has a range of sub-sections outlining the current manner in which abortion is available in Victoria and urging abortion law reform in this state. It supplies a number of media releases on the issue and presents anti-abortion 'myths' which it then counters. This site can be accessed at http://www.whv.org.au/topical/abortion.htm Solidarity is a socialist group with branches across Australia. The socialist group has a website on which it published an article which indicates that while it supports abortion law reform it does not believe the current Bill goes far enough. The full text of the article can be found at http://www.solidarity.net.au/current/victorian-abortion-legislation-a-step-forward-but-restrictions-remain/ |