
Right: The body of one of the executed Bali bombers, Imam Samudra, is brought back to his home village.

Further implications

Further implications
It remains to be seen what impact the execution of the Bali bombers will have on the development of terrorist activity in Indonesia. Surveys and other sources indicate that the vast majority of Indonesian are opposed to terrorism. Indonesian authorities appear to have been unusually successful in fracturing terrorist cadres within Indonesia.
As already noted, the Indonesian anti-terrorist unit, Detachment 88, was involved in a series of raids in 2007 that authorities say rounded up the heads of JI and its military wing.Ten suspected militants were detained in July 2008 during raids in Sumatra and a large cache of explosives was seized.
In October 2008, police said they had foiled a plan to attack a major oil storage facility in Jakarta.
However police are still seeking Noordin Top, a Malaysian considered a key figure behind a series of bombings, including a second set of blasts in Bali in 2005 in which more than 20 people were killed.
If there is a criticism of Indonesia's anti-terrorist activity it is that it has targeted the middle and lower level operatives and left the most powerful and best connected relatively untouched. If this is so, then the deaths of the three bombers on  November 9, 2008, would seem to perpetuate the same pattern.  Only time and a relative absence of terrorist activity will indicate the success of the measures Indonesia has taken.
On the question of capital punishment and its role around the world, particularly in situations involving citizens of differing nationalities, such as terrorist attacks and drug smuggling, Australia has been accused of hypocrisy.
Australia is about to press for an international moratorium on capital punishment following the execution of the Bali bombers.
Australia's Foreign Minister, Mr Stephen Smith, has stated that Australia will soon be co-sponsoring a resolution in the United Nations General Assembly calling for a moratorium on capital punishment.
However Amnesty International said the Australian government's failure to campaign to have the sentences of the Bali bombers commuted makes this proposed action appear inconsistent. It has been suggested that Australia is keen to defend the right to life of Australian citizens facing the death sentence in other countries.  Some claim, however, that where Australian have been killed in other jurisdictions Australia is less enthusiastic about having their murderers' protected.
Amnesty has argued that when Australia attempts, as it soon will, to prevent Indonesia executing a number of Australian citizens charged with drug running, it may be accused of applying a double standard.