Right: Freshwater crocodiles, despite their ability to grow to around three metres, are not seen as a danger to humans. "Freshies" live and breed in inland tropical rivers, eating fish and small animals. Background informationAustralia's history of crocodile protectionThere are 22 species of crocodile world-wide, two of which are endemic to Australia: the saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) and the freshwater or Johnston's River crocodile (Crocodylus johnstoni). The northern rivers of Australia have been famous for man-eating crocodiles since the early days of Australian exploration. Large saltwater crocodiles have taken the lives of many men, women, children, pets and livestock. After World War II, saltwater crocodiles were hunted extensively for their skin. Hunters combed northern rivers and tributaries, indiscriminately shooting the saltwater and freshwater crocodiles. Hides were sold wet salted to Europe. It is estimated that 270,000 saltwater crocodile hides and 200 to 300,000 freshwater crocodile hides were exported in the 15 years prior to 1972. Hunting slowly declined as hunters recognised that they had exploited crocodiles to the point of possible extinction. There were so few crocodiles remaining in the late 1960s that the hunters could not make a living. Unsustainable harvests were brought to a halt by the Western Australian government in 1969 when it protected crocdiles. In 1971 the Northern Territory government granted the saltwater crocodile total protection and Queensland followed in 1974. Over the next decade the crocodile populations made a remarkable recovery. Protection, plus a nucleus of very wary but healthy breeding stock deep in inaccessible breeding grounds, led to a crocodile revival. In the late seventies crocodile sightings became more common. After several well-publicised crocodile attacks, fears that a growing crocodile population would interfere with and inhibit a growing human population led to a more proactive form of crocodile conservation in the Northern Territory. A major public education campaign was undertaken to encourage people to treat crocodiles sensibly and with caution. Crocodile farms and public education Farming crocodiles was seen as a necessary part of protecting these animals and 'sustainable usage' was believed to be one way of ensuring that wild crocodiles would not again be killed indiscriminately to service the large international market for crocodile skins and other products. 'Sustainable usage' involves the collection of eggs from wild nests, with payment for the eggs being made to landowners who protect the nests. The eggs are then sold to crocodile farms which raise the hatchlings and use the skin for fashion goods. Extensive surveys of wild populations are an integral part of the recovery plan and to date such surveys indicate that harvesting of eggs has had no discernible impact on numbers of saltwater crocodiles in the wild. Education has also played a key role in protecting the saltwater crocodile. Campaigns aimed at raising community awareness about the behaviour of this creature, along with the need to protect freshwater breeding areas, have been highly successful over the last two decades. Signs explaining correct safety measures in areas inhabited by saltwater crocodiles are now a common sight in Queensland and the Northern Territory. |