
Right: Crown Casino at Southbank was granted an exemption from the 2.00 am rule. Many other venues were also exempted, creating confusion during the "lockout" trial.

Further implications

The Victorian government has yet to announce whether the lockout provisions that were trialled will be extended and perhaps made permanent. Both critics and supporters of the lockout have argued that the large number of exemptions granted have made it very difficult to determine the effectiveness of the strategy.
Premier John Brumby immediately after the end of the trial indicated that the Government would not make a decision on the lockout's future until it had reviewed all relevant information. 'I have a completely open mind in the future as to whether we continue with a lockout, similar lockout, maybe a better targeted lockout, a broader lockout... or perhaps no lockout at all,' the premier was reported as saying.
It is now reported that any subsequent lockout would operate from 3.00am under a compromise deal.
The government will investigate whether to back a statewide 3am lockout from licensed premises when it analyses the results of the three-month drinking curfew trial.
Consumer Affairs Minister Tony Robinson is considering the later entry as part of a raft of options to deal with alcohol-related crime.
On October 3, 2008, a summit of club operators, police, state government representatives and the Melbourne City Council failed to come up with any firm resolutions on tackling alcohol related violence in Melbourne's CBD. Some of the ideas raised included more night buses, improved lighting and security at transport hubs, and the development of a city-wide strategic entertainment plan.
The head of Liquor Licensing Australia, Sue McClellan, noted, 'The 2:00am lockout is being evaluated, and it will be examined after the evaluation.'
No one appears to believe that a lockout, in and of itself, is a complete solution to alcohol-related violence in Melbourne and other Australian cities. Alcohol education, better transport facilities, alcohol-free zones in the CBD and a stronger police presence have all been suggested as means of helping to curb what appears to have become an entrenched and concerning aspect of Australian nightlife.
The vocal nature of the opposition to the lockout trialled in Melbourne may make it appear politically unattractive to the Victorian Government, however, alcohol related and violence and in some instances deaths are also likely to be very concerning to Victorian voters and to represent a problem they wish to see addressed. The problem for any government is how to take actions which will have a positive effect an this major social problem without placing unreasonable restrictions on businesses, tourism and Victorians seeking a night's entertainment.