
2008/28: The shooting of Tyler Cassidy: did Victoria Police officers act appropriately?

Introduction to the media issue

Video clips at right:
Upper clip: An SBS news report on the death of Tyler Cassidy and its immediate aftermath.
Lower clip: A Canadian investigative report on the use of taser "stun guns" as used by police in the province of Victoria.
If you cannot see these clips, it will be because YouTube is blocked by your network. To view the clip, access from home or from a public library, or from another network which allows YouTube clips.

What they said...

'The entire family and friends of Tyler Cassidy are appalled at the actions by Victoria Police last night. Their heavy handedness and lack of negotiating skills at the scene of the shooting contributed to the untimely death of our beautiful 15-year-old'
Part of a statement issued by Tyler Cassidy's family after his death

'We train our police members. They've foamed him [with capsicum foam], they talked to him and they've done what they can [before he was shot]. It's a dreadful event'
Assistant Police Commissioner, Tim Cartwright

The issue at a glance
On the evening of December 11, 2008, a 15-year-old youth was shot dead by three Victoria Police officers in a Northcote skate park.  
The boy, Tyler Cassidy, was brandishing two kitchen knives he was reported to have recently stolen from a local Kmart store.  He was said to be in a very agitated state.
Assistant Police Commissioner, Tim Cartwright, has claimed that the officers took every action they could to defuse the situation before Tyler Cassidy's threatening behaviour forced they to shot him.
Tyler Cassidy's family have disputed the Victoria Police's account of events and have claimed that the police officers over-reacted. They believe that if the situation had been handled appropriately the youth would have been apprehended and would be alive and with them now.
Others have argued that the incident suggests Victoria Police's procedures for handling such incidents need to be reviewed.  There are others who have specifically suggested that Tyler Cassidy's death could have been avoided if Victoria Police officers were armed with tasers (electric stun guns).