Right: Corey Worthington's notorious Narre Warren party was seen by many as an example of alcohol-fuelled violence. Background informationAlcohol and the law in Australia(The following information comes from the Australian Drug Foundation's Internet site. It can be found at http://www.druginfo.adf.org.au/browse.asp?ContainerID=drug_laws#legal And from Wikipedia's entry under the heading Legal Drinking Age. This can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_drinking_age ) In Australia, alcohol use is legal for those aged 18 years or over. There are laws governing how alcohol may be used. These laws may differ, depending on the state, territory or local area. For example, in some areas local by-laws make it illegal to drink alcohol in public places such as beaches, parks and streets. Laws relating to persons aged under 18 years differ between states and territories, and depend on where the alcohol is being supplied and consumed. Generally it is not an offence for an under-18 year old to consume alcohol in a private home but, for example, in New South Wales, you are committing an offence if you supply or buy alcohol for a minor without being authorised to do so by the minor's parents or guardian. However, minors may be on licensed premises accompanied by a parent or guardian (but not purchase alcohol) and parents can not provide alcohol with a meal on licensed premises. In Victoria, if a minor is caught with alcohol it will be confiscated and guardians notified of the offence, and a fine may occur. It is also illegal to provide minors with alcohol, and one can be fined by it if caught in the act. However, it is legal for parents to purchase alcohol for their under aged children on licensed premises so long as they supervise its consumption. While in Victoria adults can not only supply alcohol to their own children within their own home, they are also legally able to supply alcohol to other people's children. Queensland has recently indicated that it will impose penalties on adults who 'recklessly' supply alcohol to any minor, their own child or someone else's. Local by-laws may also prohibit any alcohol being supplied in public places or hired halls. |