
Right: A poster in Nigeria warns against sexual relations outside marriage. HIV-AIDS has created millions of orphans in African countries.

Further implications

The rules governing international adoption seem to vary significantly from one nation to another.  In such a situation there will always be the possibility of abuse.  The country with the most lenient regulations is likely to attract the attention of those who are seeking to supply adoptive children to would-be parents in other countries for money.  There is the concern that children who are not genuinely orphans may be taken from their parents, with or without their parents' consent. There is also concern that such 'adoptions' may not be in the best interests of the children concerned.
However, when dealing with nations facing the problems that confront Malawi, some commentators suggest that the problem is so dire that the country cannot afford to adhere too rigorously to its adoption laws.  Widespread AIDS, poverty and malnutrition have created such a problem with children either without parents or with parents unable to care for them that these children's life expectancy and quality of life is dramatically diminished. Under these circumstances, international adoption appears a desirable option.
There are those who have noted that the response to Madonna's two adoption bids seems to represent a certain prejudice against the singer.  This has been proposed because the adoptions of another celebrity, Angelina Jolie, have not met with the same negative response.
Whatever the truth of any supposed prejudice against madonna, it has been claimed that international adoption is no real solution to the problems of children living in countries like Malawi.  No level of international adoption can possibly address the issues of disease, malnutrition and poverty which threaten the lives of children and their parents.  Disease eradication, sanitation, clean water and reliable food supplies are the only means by which a majority of lives can be extended.  This is an issue that can be partially addressed by the generosity of individuals such as Madonna and Angelina Jolie, both of whom have made very generous donations to under-developed nations. However, real solutions rely on dramatically increased international aid and more favourable conditions of trade. The problem is a world problem, rather than one which can be solved by wealthy individuals, celebrities  or otherwise.