
2009/21: Should Australia introduce a nation-wide container deposit and refund scheme to reduce littering?

Introduction to the media issue

Video clip at right: The USA Surfrider Foundation's video promoting New York state's "Bigger Better Bottle" bill. .
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What they said...
'We estimate the national average for beverage container recycling is about 40 per cent, and in South Australia it's up to 70 or 80 per cent. So clearly, if you have a container deposit system, you can double the level of beverage container recycling'
Mr Jeff Angel, the Total Environment Centre

'Kerbside recycling has excellent coverage in Australia. Imposing a deposit on containers will result in households not putting such containers in their kerbside recycling bins'
Transpacific Industries Group

The issue at a glance
On November 5. 2009, Australia's state and federal environment ministers met in Perth, Western Australia, to discuss a number of proposals.  One of these was whether an Australia-wide scheme requiring consumers to pay deposits on containers should be introduced.  This is similar to a scheme currently operating in Adelaide, which allows consumers to claim a 10 cent refund when they return soft drink bottles to a collection point.
The environment ministers did not immediately accept the scheme.  On November 6 it was announced. 'Ministers are keenly awaiting the results of the final report, to assist them to make an evidence-based decision on what action to take on the community's desire to recycle more packaging and reduce litter. If a sufficient willingness to pay is demonstrated by the community, through the report findings, the next step would be to compare this against the cost of a range of options ..."
The issue remains hotly debated with many conservation groups and others supporting the introduction of a deposit and refund scheme, while a group of manufacturing lobbyists and others oppose it.