Newspaper items used in the compilation of this issue outline
( with example page layouts: scroll down below this list to view)
AUST, March 4, page 12, comment by Janet Albrechtsen, `Right's crazy class war on CEOs'.
AGE, March 4, page 15, comment (with Spooner cartoon) by Shaun Carney, `Greed without end'.
AGE, March 3, page 5, news item by Michelle Grattan, `Costello backs strings on taxpayer help for firms'.
AUST, March 2, page 9, editorial, `Pointless paying out on Pacific Brands'.
AGE, March 2, page 3, news item by Tim Colebatch, `Executive pay sideshow to looming reality of economy'.
AUST, March 5, page 12, comment by John Colvin, `All at sea over CEOs'.
AUST, March 5, page 5, news item, `Fat-cat pay "untouchable"'. (caution: link goes to PDF scan of original page. Adobe Reader needed)
AUST, March 19, page 1, news item by Matthew Franklin and Richard Gluyas, `Excessive pay in the eye of shareholders'.
AGE, March 19, page 12, comment by Michelle Grattan, `Pay limits popular but problematic'.
AGE, March 19, page 1, news item (cartoon) by Katherine Murphy, `Business fury at moves to limit payouts'.
H/SUN, March 17, page 25, comment by Robyn Riley, `Cheeky, greedy beggars'.
AUST, March 14, page 14, editorial, `Capitalism no crime'.
AGE, March 25, page 21, comment by Shaun Carney, `Bosses should have their pay frozen as well'.
AGE, March 24, page 4, news item (with cartoon) by B Schneiders, `Wage freeze call for 1.3m low-paid'.
AGE, March 23, page 10, comment by David Burchell, `Executive pay not just about money'.
AUST, March 20, page 13, editorial, `Mr Swan's stunt dive'.
AGE, March 20, page 12, editorial, `Companies need to heed the anger on executive pay'. (Online version: scroll down page to SECOND editorial)
AUST, April 1, page 13, editorial, `Pay for performance'.
AUST, March 27, page 12, comment by Michael Costa, `Wayne's war on CEOs won't fix the economy'.
H/SUN, April 7, page 22, comment by Susie O'Brien, `We can always budget for the greed of bosses'. (Online version has slightly different title)
Scroll down for examples of how newspapers treated this media issue
AGE, March 2, page 3, news item by Tim Colebatch, `Executive pay sideshow to looming reality of economy'
AUST, March 4, page 12, comment by Janet Albrechtsen, `Right's crazy class war on CEOs'.
AGE, March 4, page 15, comment (with Spooner cartoon) by Shaun Carney, `Greed without end'
AUST, March 2, page 9, editorial, `Pointless paying out on Pacific Brands'.