2009/04: Should Victoria allow duck shooting in 2009?
Introduction to the media issue
Video clip at right: An interview with Laurie Levy, of the Coalition Against Duck Shooting. (This clip should be treated as comment).
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What they said...
'With the looming disastrous impact of global warming it is imperative that we look to the future and protect our native waterbirds'
Laurie Levy, campaign director of the Victorian Coalition Against Duck Shooting
'A well-administered duck hunting season is both environmental sustainable and economically desirable for regional Victoria'
Peter Hall, the Victorian National's former spokesperson for the Environment and Natural Resources
The issue at a glance
On February 4, 2009, the Victorian Government announced that the 2009 duck hunting season would run for 49 days, commencing on March 21, and would include the closure of some key wetlands.
The announcement of a duck hunting season was met with satisfaction by shooters' groups, despite the fact that it will be significantly shorter than usual. There was no duck hunting season last year or the year before due to drought conditions and decreased bird numbers.
The Environment and Climate Change Minister, Gavin Jennings, has stated that there is evidence to suggest that despite poor wetland conditions in Victoria, bird populations have improved because of rain in northern Australia.
Animal welfare groups, such as the Victorian Coalition Against Duck Shooting, have claimed that the Government has ignored recommendations from bird life experts that the season not go ahead and has acted in accord with the views of a committee constituted to support the duck hunters' lobby.