
Newspaper items used in the compilation of this issue outline - with example page layouts

The Australian: January 16, page 11, letters, incl, `John Howard bemedalled for meddling with Iraq'.

The Australian: January 15, page 2, news item  by Geoff Elliott, `Howard in middle of medal action'.

The Age: January 15, page 2, news item by Anne Davies, `Star role for the Bushman of steel'.

The Age: January 13, page 8, cartoon.

The Age: January 12, page 8, editorial, `Man of Steel shows his mettle in Washington'.

NOTE: most of the news media items used in this issue outline consist of items and letters in the "Web links and Documents" section of this issue outline. Most of this material was published after September 1, 2008 and thus is within guidelines.

Scroll down for examples of how newspapers treated this media issue

The Age: January 13, page 8, layout of cartoon

The Australian, January 15, page 2.

Herald-Sun, January 15, page 11.

The Age, January 15, page 2.

The Age: January 12, page 8, editorial page layout