2009/11: Is Australia racist?
Introduction to the media issue
Video clips at right: VIDEO 1:the BBC interview with Sol Trujillo referred to in the section of this outline. PLEASE NOTE that this was a radio interview. The YouTube presentation includes random video of Sol Trujillo. VIDEO 2: an ABC report on Indian and other foreign students in Australia.
If you cannot see these clips, it will be because YouTube is blocked by your network. To view the clips, access from home or from a public library, or from another network which allows YouTube clips.
What they said...
'I don't believe Australia is more racist than any other country'
Former Australian Medical Association president, Mukesh Haikerwal, who was savagely bashed in 2008
'There is nothing more lame than an Australian defence that points out that racism and policing problems exist in India, too. So what? This is not a point-scoring game'
Greg Sheridan, writing in The Australian on June 4, 2009
The issue at a glance
A number of recent events have refuelled the debate within Australia and overseas as to whether this is a racist nation.
On June 30, 2009, Solomon Trujillo resigned as Telstra's chief executive. Trujillo is an American telecommunications executive with Hispanic origins who had been hired to head Telstra on July 1, 2005. After leaving Telstra Trujillo gave a BBC interview in which he claimed to have been the victim of racist attitudes in Australia.
In May and June, 2009, allegedly racially motivated attacks against Indian international students and a perceived poor response by the police sparked protests in Australia. Rallies were held in both Melbourne and Sydney. Impromptu street protests were held in Harris Park, a suburb of western Sydney with a large Indian population.
The federal government initially appeared to want to downplay the issue; however, in the face of severe criticism in the Indian media and protests on the streets of India, the Prime Minister, Mr Kevin Rudd, reassured the Indian government that Australia took the problem seriously and was attempting to correct it.