
Right: Australian Navy clearance divers: this elite group requires a level of physical fitness far above that of the ordinary recruit, whether male or female. Currently, women are barred from this job.

Background information

As at 30 June 2005, women comprised 13.2 percent of the Australian Defence Force (ADF). Women are currently not employed in combat duties in the ADF. The ADF has an exemption to the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 regarding the employment of women in combat duties.

Reviews and Restrictions
The employment of women in the ADF was the subject of an extensive review in 1992 and again in 1998. As a result of the 1992 review, employment options for women in the ADF have been expanded. The only restricted employment areas are those linked directly to combat operations.
The reviews examined:
the current ADF exclusions of women from combat duties and the limitations placed on the employment of women by equipment and/or methods of operations; attitudes to the employment of women in combat in Defence and in the community; and overseas experiences in the employment of women in combat.
Women are currently able to serve in all positions except for the following employment categories or corps:

Navy - Clearance Divers,
Army - Armour, Artillery, Infantry, Combat Engineer, and
Air Force - Ground Defence Officers and Airfield Defence Guards.

A restriction has been imposed on women within some employment areas for occupational health and safety reasons, where use of embryo-toxic substances could endanger their health, for example surface finishers and electroplaters within the Air Force.

Women are currently excluded from 'direct combat duties'. Direct combat duties are defined in a Defence Instruction on the employment of women in the ADF as 'duties requiring a person to commit, or participate directly in the commission of an act or violence against an armed adversary; and duties exposing a person to a high probability of direct physical contact with an armed adversary. ... Operational capability cannot be compromised as it is the core business of the ADF, and it will continue to involve all qualified Australians in the defence of the nation.'

Physical Employment Standards
In 2001, an ADF report to Federal Cabinet recommended that women be admitted to combat roles, if their fitness and medical standards were the equivalent of male employees. The move has surfaced now as part of a plan to increase the number of women holding senior positions in the defence force.
In November 2001, the Chiefs of Staff Committee directed that ergonomic studies proceed to enable physical employment standards to be developed for all combat arms.
The key objective was to analyse the ergonomic, human performance, and physical capacity requirements of the combat arms in order to develop appropriate trade selection and maintenance standards. The analysis was also intended to help to evaluate task risk factors.

Overseas Comparisons
New Zealand and Germany have opened combat positions to women.
In the United Kingdom, the Secretary for Defence has stated that combat positions should be opened to women and has placed the burden of proof for not opening the positions on the Services.
Canada has opened combat positions to women but has been unable to meet its targets.
The former Defence Minister, Joel Fitzgibbon, ordered his department to generate ideas to boost female recruitment, saying he was determined to facilitate cultural change in the defence force.
Other proposals to attract young women to army or navy careers include assigning a female mentor to each new recruit and implementing flexible working arrangements.
Mr Fitzgibbon sad, 'I've asked the chief of the defence force to come forward with proposals which might elevate women within the ADF.'