
Introduction to the media issue

Video clip at right:
A clip from a May 2010 episode of the ABC's Q&A program. It featured a panel which included Senator Corey Bernardi, who first called for a ban on the wearing of burqas after a robbery in which the garment was allegedly used to disguise the identity of the robber. .

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2010/10: Should Australia ban the wearing of burqas?

What they said...
'The burqa is ... now emerging as the preferred disguise of bandits and ne'er-do-wells'
South Australian Liberal senator, Corey Bernardi

'No law enforcement agency has recommended to the government a ban on the burqa'
The Australian prime minster, Kevin Rudd

The issue at a glance
On May 6, 2010, Liberal South Australian Senator Corey Bernardi, issued a statement on his blog calling for a ban to be imposed on the wearing of the burqa.
Senator Bernardi claimed that wearing a burqa provided a disguise for criminals. He also suggested that wearing a burqa prevented Muslim women from joining in a typically Australian way of living. Those who come to Australia, Senator Bernardi argued, should be prepared to accept mainstream values.
The call was rejected by Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, largely on the grounds that no law enforcement agency had suggested to the government that banning the burqa was necessary as a crime prevention measure.
On May 20, 2010, Fred Nile's attempt to have his private member's bill calling for a ban on the burqa debated in the New South Wales Upper House was voted down by the other parties.
The issue appears to have attracted attention in Australia after a number of nations in Europe have acted to place legal restrictions on women wearing the burqa.