
Right: One of Melbourne's horse-drawn carriages clip-clops up from the CBD. Operators of these tourist attractions may soon have to tender for permits in competition with each other.

Background information

A summary of the changes proposed under Melbourne's Street Activity Review. ( More detailed information on each of the proposed changes can be found by clicking on the appropriate link at this site: http://www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/getinvolved/StreetActivity/Pages/StreetActivity.aspx)

Busking: Proposed changes include having buskers audition, busking for a maximum of two hours per day and introducing a busking fee when re-applying for a permit. There will also be restrictions imposed on when and where buskers who use amplifiers can perform.
Street kiosks: Proposed changes include a public tender for all convenience kiosks and newspaper cylinders.
Seasonal and casual street trading: Proposed changes include introducing a formal tender process and reducing the permit terms to 12 months.  
Events, festivals and markets: Proposed changes include introducing selection criteria. These would be guided by the eight principals.
Fundraising: An increase in the number of days organisations can collect however there will be a limit the number of locations per day.
Handbill distribution: Proposed changes include a limit of one business per location per day to distribute handbills.
Spruiking: A proposal to limit spruiking to retail strips with adequate footpath area and introducing a fee for spruikers.
Food vans: Proposed changes include limiting the maximum permit term to three years.
Horse drawn carriages: Proposed changes include introducing a formal tender process to obtain a permit.

Details of the proposed busking changes
a) Current conditions for all buskers and circle act performers
Permits are issued for a 12-month term.
Buskers are required to pass a safety and amenity review. This does not include an audition process to assess the 'quality' of performance.
Performance locations are unrestricted with the exception of designated non-busking areas.
There are no fees for applying or reapplying for a busking permit and no fees for selling CDs, DVDs or merchandise alongside a busking performance.
There are no repertoire requirements, no limits on group member numbers, and performance times are unrestricted.
Amplified busking is permitted at any time.
Additional current conditions for Bourke Street Mall buskers
Buskers must hold a general area busking permit for a minimum of six months to qualify for a permit to busk in the Bourke Street Mall.
Sites are allocated weekly via a ballot system that buskers must attend.
Additional current conditions for circle act performers
Pitch allocations are conducted via a draw by performers on Saturdays at 1pm and Sundays at 11am.

Proposed changes to busking permits conditions
The following would be applicable to all busking permits:
Buskers and circle act performers would be assessed via an audition process to establish a minimum performance standard (in addition to the existing safety and amenity review).
Auditions would be held monthly (or more often, depending on season and application volumes).
It is proposed that a fee for re-applying for a busking permit be introduced. The first 12-month permit would remain free of charge. See proposed permit fees for more information.
It is proposed that an annual fee for selling CDs, DVDs or merchandise as part of a busking performance be introduced.
Buskers could perform for a maximum of two hours per day at each location. (Not applicable to Circle Act or Bourke Street Mall performers.)
Duration of performances could not exceed 30 minutes per set and there must be a minimum interval of ten minutes between sets. (Not applicable to Circle Act or Bourke Street Mall performers.)
Upon completion of the two-hour maximum for that location, the busker would be required to move to another busking location (at least more than four building frontages away). (Not applicable to Circle Act or Bourke Street Mall performers.)
Group acts are limited to three performers in General Area Busking areas, and larger groups would be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Amplified busking would be permitted only from 8am to 10pm Monday to Thursday, 8am to 1am Friday and Saturday, and 9am to 10pm on Sunday
Roaming outside of a single site would not be permitted (unless in accordance with a specific circle act busking permit where the performance occurs at a single site).