2010/15: Should Australian schools supply students with free condoms?
Introduction to the media issue
Video clip at right:
TOP: the controversy around the supply of condoms to school students is not confined to Australia, as this US news clip shows.
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What they said...
'There is absolutely no evidence to support the theory that having contraception available makes people go and have sex earlier'
Lynne Jordan, the chief executive of Family Planning Victoria
'Widespread condom distribution will establish sexual activity as the norm among young teens, creating peer pressure to participate in sex'
Dr Kevin Minch, Assistant Professor of Communication and Director of Forensics, Truman State University, Missouri
The issue at a glance
On August 6, 2010, Family Planning Victoria announced that it wanted condoms made available for years 10 to12 students and to younger students in special circumstances.
The group has recommended that condoms should be kept in student common rooms, or distributed by vending machines and be available without charge.
The plan has drawn a mixed reaction from schools and parent groups. Shortly after Family Planning Victoria made its announcement both the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, and the leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott, declared that they would not support such a scheme.