Web links and documentsOnMay 12, 2005, the ABC published a report focusing on the views of two West Australian doctors expressing concern that the use of caffeine by sportspeople was setting a bad example for other young Australians. The full text of this report can be found at http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2005/05/12/1367384.htmOn July 6, 2010, the Brisbane Courier Mail published a news report which includes quotes from ALF doctor Peter Larkins commenting on the extent of caffeine use and its dangers. The report can be found at http://www.couriermail.com.au/sport/afl/ben-cousinss-bitter-pill/story-e6frepf6-1225888247956 On July 6, 2010, The AFL New carried a report detailing the views of Sydney Swans defender Tadhg Kennelly. Mr Kennelly indicated that though he did not use caffeine products himself, he understood why some other players might do so. The full text of this report can be found athttp://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/97635/default.aspx On July 7, 2010, Samantha Lane, writing for The Age's football supplement Real Footy, produced a report giving a range of expert opinion on the extent of the use of caffeine by footballers. The full text of this article can be found at http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/legal-supplements-part-of-sport-today-players-boss-20100706-zz0z.html On July 7, 2010, GWN Televison's Internet site published a report based largely on an interview with Geelong coach Mark Thompson. Mr Thompson expresses his concerns about players' use of caffeine tablets and sleeping pills. He notes that they are not regularly used by Geelong players but expresses his concern that they are used by others. The full text of the report can be found at http://karratha.igwn.com.au/index.php/sport/afl/thompson-pills-for-dills,21445161 On July 7, 2010, The West Australian published a report examining the extent of caffeine use among AFL players, some of it directly encouraged by clubs. The full text of this report can be found at http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/breaking/7533594/caffeine-legal-but-doubt-cast-on-its-use/ On July 8, 2010, ABC Radio's current affairs program AM presented a report which included an interview with World Anti-Doping Agency head John Fahey. Mr Fahey expressed his concerns about the health risks associated with excessive use of caffeine. The full text of this report can be found at http://www.abc.net.au/am/content/2010/s2947783.htm?site=riverland |