
Web links and documents

The full text of an Amnesty International report titled, 'Amnesty International's 2004 Report on TASER Gun Abuse', can be found at http://educate-yourself.org/pnt/amnestyintnl2004TASERfullreport.shtml

In 2008 the Queensland Police Service published a 'Review of the Queensland Police Service Taser Trial'.  This is a detailed report on the police service's six month trial of tasers.  It is highly detailed and considers both the potential advantages and disadvantages of the weapon.  It overwhelmingly concludes that the advantages of the weapon outweigh its disadvantages.
The full text of the review can be found at http://www.police.qld.gov.au/Resources/Internet/news%20and%20alerts/campaigns/taser/documents/ReviewoftheQPSTasertrial.pdf

On 6 December, 2008, Amnesty International's Internet site published a news report titled, 'Tasers - potentially lethal and easy to abuse'.  The article includes information on an  Amnesty International report titled, 'USA: less than lethal'.  The full text of the article can be found at http://www.amnesty.org/en/news-and-updates/report/tasers-potentially-lethal-and-easy-abuse-20081216

On December 21, 2008, Civil Liberties Australia published a report by David Curry titled, 'Stun guns will kill Australians, CLA says'.  The full text of this report can be found at http://www.cla.asn.au/0805/index.php/articles/2008/stun-guns-will-kill-australians-cla-says

In June, 2009, The Green Left published an article titled, 'lethal weapons: ban tasers now' which was a report written by Stu Harrison which told of the death of a man tasered by Queensland Police and called for the weapons to be banned.
The full text of this article can be found at http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/41876

In August, 2009, The Federation of Community Legal Centres (Victoria) published a 'fact sheet' titled, 'Alternatives to Lethal Force: Tasers are not the answer'.  The full te xt of the fact sheet can be found at http://www.communitylaw.org.au/cb_pages/images/Tasers%20and%20Police%20Fact%20Sheet%20August%202009.pdf

On 25 February, 2010, ABC News ran a report titled 'Victoria Police to trial taser guns'.  The report indicated that taser guns would be trialled from July in Bendigo and Morwell.  The full text of the report can be found at http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/02/25/2830236.htm

The Queensland Police Service Internet site has a section devoted to answering frequently asked questions about tasers.  The purpose of this section of the site appears to be to inform and reassure the public.  These questions and answers can be found at http://www.police.qld.gov.au/News+and+Alerts/campaigns/taser/FAQS.htm

The Queensland Police Service Internet site also has a section detailing how the the tasers will be rolled out and the measures that will be taken to ensure public safety.  The full text of this statement can be found at http://www.police.qld.gov.au/News+and+Alerts/campaigns/taser/Engagement+Strategy.htm